David and Andy,

Thanks for your help, I ended up using a while loop and all turned out
I appreciate your replies.

- Josey

On Oct 29, 6:46 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Double check what you're actually doing:
> > foreach ($popular[2]['Project'] as $project)
> means you're going over the fields inside $popular[2]['Project'].
> The first time $project will be "Gallery" (the first field inside  
> ['Project']).
> The next time it'll be "This is for testing...." and so on.
> Then you're trying to echo $project['name'],
> i.e. the ['name'] part of the string "Gallery".
> Surely that'll have unintended consequences...
> On 30 Oct 2008, at 03:48, Josey wrote:
> > Thanks for your reply.
> > When I run that bit of code I get the following error.
> > Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /var/www/
> > mortfolio/www.mortfolio.com/html/app/views/users/view.ctpon line 108
> > Note that if I just print the name by passing $popular[2]['Project']
> > ['name'] all is well, the problem comes when I insert it into a loop
> > and have it increment through the records.
> > On Oct 29, 1:02 pm, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Oct 29, 6:47 pm, Josey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Here's an interesting problem I've run into today:
> >>> I've created a query in my controller that will go out and grab  
> >>> the 3
> >>> most viewed projects each user has.
> >>> Here is my find as well my variable for the view:
> >>>                 $popular = $this->Project->find('all',
> >>>                         array(
> >>> 'conditions'=>array('Project.portfolio_id' =>$user['Portfolio']
> >>> ['id']),
> >>>                                 'order'=>'Project.visits DESC',
> >>>                                 'fields'=> array('Project.name',  
> >>> 'Project.description',
> >>> 'Project.visits', 'Project.slug', 'Project.cover'),
> >>>                                 'recursive'=>0,
> >>>                                 'limit' => 3
> >>>                         )
> >>>                 );
> >>>                 // add name to option
> >>>                 $popular        = array('User'=>'This Users 3 most  
> >>> viewed Projects') +
> >>> $popular;
> >>>                 $this->set('popular', $popular);
> >>> As you can see I find all projects that have a Portfolio ID set to  
> >>> the
> >>> same Portfolio ID of the user.
> >>> It will display the records by how often they've been viewed  
> >>> (visits)
> >>> in descending order.
> >>> I chose which fields to display as well as limiting it to just the  
> >>> top
> >>> 3.
> >>> This works fine. If I print  the variable is set (popular) to the  
> >>> view
> >>> my array looks perfect.
> >>> The problem I'm having is that when I create a loop to loop through
> >>> the three records it only prints the 1st character of each field.
> >>> Here's my loop (Just a small one for debugging).
> >>>                 <?php
> >>>                         //$i = 0;
> >>>                         foreach ($popular[2]['Project'] as  
> >>> $project) { ?>
> >>>                                 <?php echo $project['name']; ?>
> >>>                                 <br />
> >>>                                 <?php //$i++; ?>
> >>>                 <?php } ?>
> >>> The incrementer that I created isn't being used for this example.  
> >>> I'm
> >>> just pulling the data for the 3rd record in the array.
> >>> I suppose I should also provide you with the 3rd item in my array so
> >>> here it is.
> >>>     [2] => Array
> >>>         (
> >>>             [Project] => Array
> >>>                 (
> >>>                     [name] => Gallery
> >>>                     [description] => This is for testing purposes,
> >>> this project will be removed after I have fine-tuned the image  
> >>> display
> >>> scripts.
> >>>                     [visits] => 16
> >>>                     [slug] => gallery
> >>>                     [cover] => Sexy-Party.jpg
> >>>                     [id] => 41
> >>>                 )
> >>>         )
> >>> So when I view the page after running the loop this is what is
> >>> displayed.
> >>> G
> >>> T
> >>> 1
> >>> g
> >>> S
> >>> 4
> >> You are treating a string as an array. compare
> >> debug ($popular);
> >> debug($popular[2]['Project']);
> >> foreach ($popular as $project) { <- note the difference.
> >>      debug ($project['Project']['name']); die;
> >> }
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