In my above post I had said "These 4 groups
will be common for all office and the rules are predefined for these
for groups.". Please read it as "From these, 4 groups
will be common for all office and the rules for those four groups are

On Nov 3, 11:44 am, jst4fun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stinkbug,
> Thanks again for your interest in helping me out. Sorry for the delay.
> I was able to setup permission dynamically. But still it is not
> proper. Before going further I will provide you my table structure
> offices table:
> id    -   int
> name - varchar
> groups Table
> id          - int
> office_id  - int
> name - int
> users table
> id - int
> group_id -int
> name - varchar
> password - varchar
> The aco, aro and acos_aros table is created by cake console script. I
> hope you dont need those tables. I have not altered it.
> My requirement is to set up roles with permission set for controller/
> action access. Each offices will have a set of groups. These 4 groups
> will be common for all office and the rules are predefined for these
> for groups. Even the administrator cannot change the roles for these
> four groups. Rest of the groups cannot be the duplicate for any office
> and the administrator can edit the permission for these groups.
> Groups will have many users and these users are depended on the
> office. That is user of office 'z' can be a part of group 'f' if and
> only if 'f' is a child group of 'z' office. A user can have multiple
> groups. I will post the code I have below. Now I am able to save a
> group under an office with a set of permission correctly. My issue is
> that:
> 1) I am not sure how to set 4 common groups to a offices when that
> office is created.
> 2) I am not sure on how to set up multiple groups for a user.
> Now I will provide the code I have done till date
> 1) Office model -
> 2) Group model -
> 3) User model -
> 1) Groups Controller:
> I have done nothing related to ACL in office and user controller. The
> code which I have posted above was the result of lot of researches I
> had done on ACL :D. I guess this would be enough for you to understand
> what I am trying to do. I hope you will try to help me soon. Thanks
> once again.
> On Oct 31, 6:55 pm, Stinkbug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, so much for an answer soon.  Sorry about that.  Not sure if you
> > still need help with this, but could you show us your aro and aco
> > structures so I get get a better idea as to what you're trying to do.
> > I think I see what you're trying to do, but let's see if you have a
> > proper ACl setup first.
> > On Oct 24, 5:45 am, jst4fun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Well I had gone through the links which you guys had provided. Thanks.
> > > But the issue for me to implement an ACL is that I am not sure what
> > > all function should be used due to the lack of documentation. One of
> > > the requirement is already discussed above. I think I was able to
> > > implement it partially. What I did was to create three tables one
> > > offices, groups and then users.I created parentNode() for group
> > > binding it to the office model and in users binding every users to
> > > group model. Now when I create a Group and select an office it is
> > > correctly created in aros table. Same with the users too. I found a
> > > script from cakebaker to list all controllers and save it as acos. Now
> > > I have aros and acos setup. In my application a superadmin can add new
> > > user, group and offices dynamically. This part i guess is already
> > > solved, thanks to parentNode(). When the super admin takes the add
> > > group page all the controllers with their actions are also displayed
> > > in that page. Actions will be having checkboxes to enable or disable
> > > that action to the user of that group. So my first doubt is
> > > 1) How is it possible to save a group and then its associated
> > > permissions dynamically?
> > > Then definitely the admin might have to delete a office or a group. In
> > > such a case
> > > 2) How is it possible to delete all the office and its group and
> > > remove the deleted group information from the users .
> > > I hope I have made everything clear and hope to get a reply soon.
> > > Thanks
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