I've a big big problem with two applications of mine. I use an
authentication method made with before filter.
The problem is that, after a login it works correctly. Then, without a
reason, the application seems to loose the session and brings me back
to the login form. For this reason, I really can't understand what
happens and when. Is there a way to produce a log for the application?
Or otherwise, how I can unserstand what happens?  That's the code in

function checkSession()
        // If the session info hasn't been set...
        if (!$this->Session->check('Dealer'))
            // Force the user to login

And this in dealer_controller.php

function login()
        //Don't show the error message if no data has been submitted.
        $this->set('error', false);

        // If a user has submitted form data:
        if (!empty($this->data))
            // First, let's see if there are any users in the database
            // with the username supplied by the user using the form:

            $someone = $this->Dealer->findByUsername($this-

            // At this point, $someone is full of user data, or its
            // Let's compare the form-submitted password with the one
            // the database.

            if(!empty($someone['Dealer']['username']) &&
$someone['Dealer']['password'] == $this->data['Dealer']['password'])
                // Note: hopefully your password in the DB is hashed,
                // so your comparison might look more like:
                // md5($this->data['User']['password']) == ...

                // This means they were the same. We can now build
some basic
                // session information to remember this user as

                $this->Session->write('Dealer', $someone['Dealer']);

                // Now that we have them stored in a session, forward
them on
                // to a landing page for the application.

            // Else, they supplied incorrect data:
                // Remember the $error var in the view? Let's set that
to true:
                $this->set('error', true);

    function logout()
        // Redirect users to this action if they click on a Logout
        // All we need to do here is trash the session information:


        // And we should probably forward them somewhere, too...


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