I'm having a similar problem as you two and I found this thread after
a quick search:

It says you should use $form->input with type=select instead of the
$form->select. (Alternatively you'd have to create labels and error
messages for your select tag yourself.)
I could not try this out yet but it seems to do what you want to be

On 26 Okt., 10:38, ilozka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't use $form->select, use $form->input with type=select:
> echo $form->input('answer', array('type' => 'select', 'options' =>
> array('0'=>'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
> On Oct 20, 4:35 pm, clrockwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank you David, I was hoping to avoid that and simply thought I was
> > doing something wrong.  Thanks!
> > On Oct 19, 10:27 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If you use $form->input(), it will create everything for an input  
> > > field, including label and error messages.
> > > If you use the more specialized select() you'll have to create labels  
> > > and error messages yourself. See FormHelper::error().
> > >http://api.cakephp.org/class_form_helper.html
> > > On 20 Oct 2008, at 07:49, clrockwell wrote:
> > > > I'm using 1.2 and this is driving me crazy.  I have a form with
> > > > several fields that usevalidation.  When I submit an empty form for
> > > > testing all fields *except* the select have the appropriate html
> > > > generated and the errormessageis displayed.
> > > > The html for the select box begins with:
> > > > <label class="text">Occupation*</label><select name="data[Vip]
> > > > [occupation_id]" id="VipOccupationId">
> > > > On submitting without selecting anything, the html is this (class
> > > > ="form-error" now present):
> > > > <label class="text">Occupation*</label><select name="data[Vip]
> > > > [occupation_id]" id="VipOccupationId" class="form-error">
> > > > But there is no html generated below it.  Dumping Model-
> > > >> invalidFields() shows:
> > > > [occupation_id] => Please select the most appropriate occupation
> > > > So it is definitely there.  This happens on all select boxes.  The
> > > > code using to generate this one:
> > > > <label class="text">Occupation*</label><?php echo $form-
> > > >> select('Vip.occupation_id', $this->requestAction('/occupations/
> > > > occSelect', array('cache' => '1 week', 'label' => false, 'div' =>
> > > > false))); ?></span>
> > > > Thanks for any thoughts, I'm thinking this may be a bug.
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