I am using Xampp  I put the unpacked cake folders in the htdocs folder.  I 
restarted it after I did the following in httpd.conf:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

AllowOverride  All

I typed http://localhost/example.com.  I didn't get an example page but I did 
get this message:

CakePHP Rapid Development
Not found
The requested address example.com was not found on this server.

I am using a PC with Windows Vista.  I noticed that after I opened the 
.htaccess file and the httpd.conf files in Notepad that the name of the files 
diappeared next to the picture of the file although the name looks right in the 
properties.   I guess Windows hid the filename.  I guess I didn't need to open 
the httpd.conf files except to try to figure out what mod rewrite is all about.

In any case my basic question is why can't I get the example.com to see if the 
configuration works or not and since I did get some information about CAke does 
that mean it might be working and what else do I need to do to get it working.

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