By the way thnks for the response....Actually what I want to do is the
"HasOne" relationship, the problem is that I can't implement it. The
problem is like this

I have a users table:
id integer auto increment primary
firstname varchar(45)
lastname varchar(45)

also I have a userinformations table
id integer auto increment primary
sss_number varchar(45)
birthday datetime
user_id integer

I want this to have a one to one relationship

so what I did in the userinformations_controller.php

class UserinformationsController extends AppController
    var $name = 'Userinformations';
    var $scaffold;

in the userinformation.php

class Userinformation extends AppModel
    var $ame = 'Userinformation';
    var $belongsTo = array('User');

in the users_controller.php

class UsersController extends AppController
    var $name = 'User';
    var $scaffold;

in the user.php

class User extends AppModel
    var $name = 'User';
    var $hasOne = array('Userinformation');

After doing that, I add new users to my users table and its
done....The problem now is when I insert records on the
userinformations table, I cant insert 2 or more user_id in the
userinformations table. So I think the problem is on my table cause my
userinformations table has an auto_increment id  and also the primary
key. So what I want to do is to delete the id in the userinformations
table and then make the user_id a primary key so, it will have a one
to one relationship with the user table.

Am I right? Give me some advice on how to do it correctly.

Good day.....

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