Do you have the Javascript helper on whatever controller you're using?

Ed Drain wrote:
> I get the following error:
> Line 31 is the one with the javascript->link part.
> Whats wrong with this?
> *Notice* (8) <javascript:void(0);>: Undefined variable: javascript 
> [*CORE\cake\libs\view\layouts\default.ctp*, line *31*]
> Code <javascript:void(0);> | Context <javascript:void(0);>
> $___viewFn    =       
> "C:\wamp\www\gradebook\cake\libs\view\layouts\default.ctp"
> $___dataForView       =       array(
>       "page" => "home",
>       "subpage" => null,
>       "title_for_layout" => "Home",
>       "content_for_layout" => "<h2>Release Notes for CakePHP 
> RC2.</h2>
> <a href="";>Read the release notes 
> and get the latest version </a>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Your tmp directory is writable.</span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">The <em>FileEngine</em> is being used for 
> caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php </span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Your database configuration file is 
> present.</span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Cake is able to connect to the 
> database.</span></p>
> <h3>Editing this Page</h3>
> <p>
> To change the content of this page, edit: APP/views/pages/home.ctp.<br />
> To change its layout, edit: APP/views/layouts/default.ctp.<br />
> You can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: APP/webroot/css.</p>
> <h3>Getting Started</h3>
> <p>
>       <a href="";><strong>new</strong> CakePHP 1.2 
> Docs</a>
>       <a 
> href="";>The 15 min 
> Blog Tutorial</a><br />
> </p>
> <h3>More about Cake</h3>
> <p>
> CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known 
> design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front 
> Controller and MVC.</p>
> <p>
> Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users 
> at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
> flexibility.</p>
> <br />
> <ul>
>       <li><a href="";>Cake Software Foundation 
> </a>
>       <ul><li>Promoting development related to CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>The Show </a>
>       <ul><li>The Show is a weekly live internet radio broadcast where we 
> discuss CakePHP-related topics and answer questions live via IRC, Skype, and 
> telephone.</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>The Bakery </a>
>       <ul><li>Everything CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>Book Store </a>
>       <ul><li>Recommended Software Books</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakeSchwag </a>
>       <ul><li>Get your own CakePHP gear - Doughnate to Cake</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP </a>
>       <ul><li>The Rapid Development Framework</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP Manual </a>
>       <ul><li>Your Rapid Development Cookbook</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP API </a>
>       <ul><li>Docblock Your Best Friend</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakeForge </a>
>       <ul><li>Open Development for CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP Trac </a>
>       <ul><li>For the Development of CakePHP (Tickets, SVN browser, Roadmap, 
> Changelogs)</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP 
> Google Group </a>
>       <ul><li>Community mailing list</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="irc:// 
> <>"> <> 
> #cakephp</a>
>       <ul><li>Live chat about CakePHP</li></ul></li>
> </ul>",
>       "scripts_for_layout" => "",
>       "cakeDebug" => "",
>       "html" => HtmlHelper
> HtmlHelper::$tags = array
> HtmlHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> HtmlHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> HtmlHelper::$params = array
> HtmlHelper::$action = "display"
> HtmlHelper::$data = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
> HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
> HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL,
>       "form" => FormHelper
> FormHelper::$helpers = array
> FormHelper::$fieldset = array
> FormHelper::$__options = array
> FormHelper::$fields = array
> FormHelper::$requestType = NULL
> FormHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> FormHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> FormHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> FormHelper::$params = array
> FormHelper::$action = "display"
> FormHelper::$plugin = NULL
> FormHelper::$data = NULL
> FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> FormHelper::$tags = array
> FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> FormHelper::$_log = NULL
> FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object,
>       "session" => SessionHelper
> SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
> SessionHelper::$__active = true
> SessionHelper::$valid = false
> SessionHelper::$error = false
> SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "a2362dcd11119bb3c058613d3afcad31"
> SessionHelper::$path = "/"
> SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
> SessionHelper::$security = NULL
> SessionHelper::$time = 1226074348
> SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false
> SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
> SessionHelper::$id = NULL
> SessionHelper::$_log = NULL
> SessionHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> SessionHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> SessionHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> SessionHelper::$params = array
> SessionHelper::$action = "display"
> SessionHelper::$data = NULL
> SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
> )
> $loadHelpers  =       false
> $cached       =       true
> $loadedHelpers        =       array()
> $page =       "home"
> $subpage      =       null
> $title_for_layout     =       "Home"
> $content_for_layout   =       "<h2>Release Notes for CakePHP 
> RC2.</h2>
> <a href="";>Read the release notes 
> and get the latest version </a>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Your tmp directory is writable.</span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">The <em>FileEngine</em> is being used for 
> caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php </span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Your database configuration file is 
> present.</span></p>
> <p>
>       <span class="notice success">Cake is able to connect to the 
> database.</span></p>
> <h3>Editing this Page</h3>
> <p>
> To change the content of this page, edit: APP/views/pages/home.ctp.<br />
> To change its layout, edit: APP/views/layouts/default.ctp.<br />
> You can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: APP/webroot/css.</p>
> <h3>Getting Started</h3>
> <p>
>       <a href="";><strong>new</strong> CakePHP 1.2 
> Docs</a>
>       <a 
> href="";>The 15 min 
> Blog Tutorial</a><br />
> </p>
> <h3>More about Cake</h3>
> <p>
> CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known 
> design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front 
> Controller and MVC.</p>
> <p>
> Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users 
> at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
> flexibility.</p>
> <br />
> <ul>
>       <li><a href="";>Cake Software Foundation 
> </a>
>       <ul><li>Promoting development related to CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>The Show </a>
>       <ul><li>The Show is a weekly live internet radio broadcast where we 
> discuss CakePHP-related topics and answer questions live via IRC, Skype, and 
> telephone.</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>The Bakery </a>
>       <ul><li>Everything CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>Book Store </a>
>       <ul><li>Recommended Software Books</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakeSchwag </a>
>       <ul><li>Get your own CakePHP gear - Doughnate to Cake</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP </a>
>       <ul><li>The Rapid Development Framework</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP Manual </a>
>       <ul><li>Your Rapid Development Cookbook</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP API </a>
>       <ul><li>Docblock Your Best Friend</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakeForge </a>
>       <ul><li>Open Development for CakePHP</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP Trac </a>
>       <ul><li>For the Development of CakePHP (Tickets, SVN browser, Roadmap, 
> Changelogs)</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="";>CakePHP 
> Google Group </a>
>       <ul><li>Community mailing list</li></ul></li>
>       <li><a href="irc:// 
> <>"> <> 
> #cakephp</a>
>       <ul><li>Live chat about CakePHP</li></ul></li>
> </ul>"
> $scripts_for_layout   =       ""
> $cakeDebug    =       ""
> $html =       HtmlHelper
> HtmlHelper::$tags = array
> HtmlHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> HtmlHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> HtmlHelper::$params = array
> HtmlHelper::$action = "display"
> HtmlHelper::$data = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
> HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
> HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL
> $form =       FormHelper
> FormHelper::$helpers = array
> FormHelper::$fieldset = array
> FormHelper::$__options = array
> FormHelper::$fields = array
> FormHelper::$requestType = NULL
> FormHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> FormHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> FormHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> FormHelper::$params = array
> FormHelper::$action = "display"
> FormHelper::$plugin = NULL
> FormHelper::$data = NULL
> FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> FormHelper::$tags = array
> FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> FormHelper::$_log = NULL
> FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object
> $session      =       SessionHelper
> SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
> SessionHelper::$__active = true
> SessionHelper::$valid = false
> SessionHelper::$error = false
> SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "a2362dcd11119bb3c058613d3afcad31"
> SessionHelper::$path = "/"
> SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
> SessionHelper::$security = NULL
> SessionHelper::$time = 1226074348
> SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false
> SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
> SessionHelper::$id = NULL
> SessionHelper::$_log = NULL
> SessionHelper::$base = "/gradebook"
> SessionHelper::$webroot = "/gradebook/"
> SessionHelper::$here = "/gradebook/"
> SessionHelper::$params = array
> SessionHelper::$action = "display"
> SessionHelper::$data = NULL
> SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
> |<head>|
> |    <?php echo $html->charset(); ?>|
> |    <?php echo $javascript->link(array('prototype')); ?>|
> >

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