At some point in time it was the intention that session ids would not
be renewed for ajax requests.
>From changeset 5982: Sessions id are not longer renewed if a request
is from Ajax, or from requestAction(); When Security.level (1.2) or
CAKE_SECURITY (1.1) is set the 'high' renewing of Session id only
happens if request is 2 seconds after the last request.

The 2 seconds threshold is still there in 1.2 RC3.

On Nov 11, 7:37 am, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 11, 8:15 am, Serge Rodovnichenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks, Gwoo. This helps :-)
> > Where to get more information about behavour of security levels?
> > I think in 'high' level Cake performs a Referrer checks. This is why I
> > lose sessions in case described above.
> It does, but that probably isn't relevant. With high security the
> session id changes on each request (as mentioned previously in the
> thread)
> So normally you would have:
> GET / sessionid = void
> .... sessionid #1 created
> Response / sessionid = #1
> GET /abc sessionid = #1
> .... sessionid changed to #2
> Response /abc sessionid = #2 <- updated
> GET /def sessionid = #2
> .... sessionid changed to #3
> Response /def sessionid = #3 <- updated
> GET /xyz sessionid = #3
> .... sessionid changed to #4
> Response /xyz sessionid = #4 <- updated
> with the sessionid stored in the cookie client side (obviously). On
> the server the session id changes as soon as the request is received.
> Irgo if you send two or more concurrent requests without waiting for
> the response e.g.:
> GET / sessionid = void
> .... sessionid #1 created
> Response / sessionid = #1
>     GET /abc sessionid = #1 <- session doesn't exist
>     .... <- session id #2 generated, session id #1 deleted
>     GET /def sessionid = #1 <- session doesn't exist
>     .... Response /def or redirect /users/login sessionid = #new
> It isn't quite so simple, but in principle that's what you're looking
> at. If you set security to medium, the session id persists for the
> life of your browser session, hence concurrent requests will not cause
> you to loose your session.
> hth,
> AD
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