Sorry if this is a likely stupid question, but I can't seem to find
the answer anywhere. Searching for CakePHP console examples outside of
using it for ACL and baking seems mighty thin on google.  Maybe I'm
overlooking something that should be obvious?

The Backstory:
I have cakephp doing some intensive data processing using many
different actions in a specified sequence and even with pagination to
avoid timeouts.

I decided to try to automate this by setting up a cake shell function
to go through all of the steps and then I can just invoke the magic
from the command line and output report results into a file. I
followed the example from this page:

The Issue:
What is happening when I try to invoke a controller action from within
a shell function is that I get the following error (this only happens
when the controller action I invoke has within a call to a model
method --as most controller actions are wont to do):

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/.../
httpdocs/app/controllers/cities_controller.php on line 34

1) The action I'm invoking works fine when called from a browser
2) The 'member function' in question is none other than the standard
built-in findAll(), which I would hope would be supported 'out of the
box' when trying to invoke controller actions from the console.

My Question:
Am I approaching this the wrong way? Is there a shortcut to invoking
controller actions from the console that I've overlooked?  App:import
sure seems hacky.


class ReportShell extends Shell
var $uses = array('City');
var $tasks = array
var $CitiesController = null;

function initialize()

function main()
App::import('Controller', 'Cities');
$this->CitiesController = new CitiesController();


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