I'm putting together a cake app with an inline mp3 player using
soundmanager2 similar to this demo: 
. I'm using <?php echo $scripts_for_layout; ?> to get the
soundmanager2 javascripts into the head, and everything works fine
when a page is first pulled up, but when I link to a different
controller <? echo $html->link('Song by Genre', '/genres/'); ?> or  <?
echo $html->link('All Songs', '/songs/'); ?> from the navigation I put
in the default layout, the javascripts are not working properly. Is it
possible that cake isn't reloading the entire page. I have view
caching turned off site wide. (//core.php Configure::write
('Cache.disable', true);)

If I don't use the navigation i put in the default layout and just
type the controller and action name into the browser manually it works

any help would be much appreciated. I'm stuck.

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