This post really belongs on the subversion group, but I can't seem to
get any useful answers there (though not for a lack of trying).

For any of you who use Subversion (specifically TortoiseSVN on
windows) with your cake apps. Can u tell me how to prevent tmp files
(app/tmp/*) from being put into the repository while still preserving
the tmp directory structure?

I have tried setting the global ignore pattern to all of the following
without success:
*/tmp/cache/models *tmp/cache/persistent *tmp/cache/views/* *tmp/logs*
*tmp/sessions *tmp/tests*
\cache\models* \cache\persistent* \cache\views* \logs* \sessions*
\tests* empty
None of those patterns have any affect on my tmp files. (Yes I tried
backslashes and forward slashes)

The only pattern that works is \tmp*, but that excludes the tmp
directory altogether, so I have to create the tmp folders after I do
the initial import.

Near as I can tell.... this is what the global ignore pattern if for,
but i just cant get it to work correctly.

Thank you

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