On Dec 7, 5:48 pm, brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I misinterpreted MenuPostings. I thought it was a table of comments or
> something like that. So, it seems that, though there may be many
> MenuPostings for a particularMenu, only a single one is really
> "active" at a given time. Is that the case? If so, why not just add
> columns post_start & post_end to the menus table and modify them
> whenever the posting dates for a menu need to be changed? That would
> make your query much simpler.

They want to set up their menu schedule ahead of time, and not have to
remember to set the next posting each time one expires. I can also
envision other situations like this in other applications, and as this
is my first Cake app I'd like to learn what the limitations of the
technology are. In this case I COULD attack the problem from a
different angle, starting with MenuPosting rather than Menu so that I
can specify conditions on the post_start and post_end, but I don't
like the idea changing simply because I don't understand how to make
it work the way I want to. I'd really like to find out if it's
possible to do what I want (obtain menus filtered based on the
criteria of an associated model). Or if it's not possible, why.

> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:27 PM, erturne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Dec 7, 1:54 pm, brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> You need  a LEFT JOIN in your query. MenuPosting can't be in the WHERE
> >> clause. Perhaps if you post the actual SQL query you're aiming for we
> >> can figure out how to have Cake generate it.
> > Essentially I want information about menus and the entrees on them.
> > Something like:
> > SELECT Menus.title, Entrees.name FROM menus Menus
> > INNER JOIN entrees_menus EntreesMenus ON EntreesMenus.menu_id=Menus.id
> > INNER JOIN entrees Entrees ON EntreesMenus.entree_id=Entrees.id
> > INNER JOIN menu_postings MenuPostings ON MenuPostings.menu_id=Menus.id
> > WHERE MenuPostings.post_start <= NOW() AND MenuPostings.post_end > NOW
> > ();
> > Of course I'll eventually want more than just the menu title and
> > entree names, but that's good enough for now.
> > I don't think LEFT JOIN is correct for what I need because I'm not
> > interested in a menu without entrees! INNER JOIN is the way to go
> > here. Not sure if we can make CakePHP do that using find() or
> > Containable or unbindModel()/bindModel(). I'm definitely open to
> > suggestions.
> >> What are post_start & post_end, anyway?
> > Records in the menu_postings table define when each menu is visible on
> > the website. We might have a particular menu visible on the website at
> > various times throughout the year (defined by post_start and
> > post_end).
> >> On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 10:06 PM, erturne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I've seen similar questions raised but haven't found a solution that
> >> > works. Perhaps it's because I'm new to CakePHP and don't fully
> >> > understand unbindModel(), bindModel(), container behaviors, etc.
> >> > Anyway, I'll start simple and take suggestions.
> >> > I have the following models in which a Menu hasAndBelongsToMany Entree
> >> > and hasMany MenuPosting, and a MenuPosting belongsTo Menu:
> >> > class Menu extends AppModel {
> >> >        var $name = 'Menu';
> >> >        var $hasAndBelongsToMany = 'Entree';
> >> >        var $hasMany = array(
> >> >                'MenuPosting' => array( 'dependent' => true )
> >> >        );
> >> >  }
> >> > class MenuPosting extends AppModel {
> >> >        var $name = 'MenuPosting';
> >> >        var $belongsTo = 'Menu';
> >> > }
> >> > class Entree extends AppModel {
> >> >        var $name = 'Entree';
> >> >  }
> >> > In my MenusController I have a display_current() action to find all
> >> > menus that are currently posted:
> >> > class MenusController extends AppController {
> >> >        var $name = 'Menus';
> >> >        function display_current() {
> >> >                // Limit the query results to the menu that is visible 
> >> > (i.e. is
> >> >                // currently posted)
> >> >                $conditions = array(
> >> >                        'MenuPosting.post_start <=' => date('Y-m-d 
> >> > H:i:s', strtotime
> >> > ("now")),
> >> >                        'MenuPosting.post_end >' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 
> >> > strtotime("now")),
> >> >                );
> >> >                // Find the menus that meets the conditions.
> >> >                $this->set('menu', $this->Menu->find('all', 
> >> > array('conditions' =>
> >> > $conditions)));
> >> >        }
> >> >  }
> >> > The error I get from this is:
> >> > Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
> >> > 'MenuPosting.post_start' in 'where clause'
> >> > $sql    =       "SELECT `Menu`.`id`, `Menu`.`old_id`, `Menu`.`created`,
> >> > `Menu`.`modified`, `Menu`.`title` FROM `menus` AS `Menu`   WHERE
> >> > `MenuPosting`.`post_start` <= '2008-12-06 22:02:57' AND
> >> > `MenuPosting`.`post_end` > '2008-12-06 22:02:57'   "
> >> > If I remove the conditions from the find I am able to retrieve all
> >> > Menu and associated Entree, so I believe I have set up my database
> >> > tables correctly.
> >> > Any suggestions?
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