No solution yet.

My manually built models work just fine.

table names are in ALLCAPS because it's Oracle. This doesn't stop
models from working though.

On Dec 12, 12:36 pm, hhg <> wrote:
> I see the same: No list of tables to build models from, it just exits.
> The database connection seems ok, all green on the home page.
> Lucki, did you find a solution?
> On 10 Dec., 22:25, Lucki <> wrote:
> > "cakebake" does provide the options, but if I press me it just says:
> > """
> > Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.7692 RC3 Console
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > App : app
> > Path: /usr2/webroot/editorsch/cake/app
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > InteractiveBakeShell
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > [D]atabase Configuration
> > [M]odel
> > [V]iew
> > [C]ontroller
> > [P]roject
> > [Q]uit
> > What would you like toBake? (D/M/V/C/P/Q)> m
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >BakeModel
> > Path: /<BASEPATH>/cake/app/models/
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > """
> > And exits without doing anything.
> > On Dec 9, 6:17 pm, "Sam Sherlock" <> wrote:
> > > does "cakebake" provide options m,v,c  then after pressing m you'll get a
> > > list 1 - x of you models pressing the corresponding number gets walks you
> > > through the process of creating models
> > > 2008/12/9 Lucki <>
> > > > Is there an issue usingBakewith Oracle?
> > > > I already set a project up manually, then tried usingbaketo see what
> > > > it would do for models and and I wanted tobakethe scaffold code for
> > > > each of my models. But all "cakebakemodel" does is display the model
> > > > path and not write any files. All "cakebakemodel ModelName" does is
> > > > write a boiler plate file that is clearly not picking up anything from
> > > > the database.
> > > > "cakebakecontroller ModelNamePlural" does write the boiler plate
> > > > that just sets var $scaffold.
> > > > "cakebakecontroller ModelNamePlural scaffold" says it's "baking
> > > > scaffold for ModelName" But doesn't write any files.
> > > > This is /really/ frustrating. I've heard what a great tool this is and
> > > > it's just /not/ working.
> > > > I really want to have the scaffold controllers and views written out
> > > > as place to start developing from. That's the whole point ofbake,
> > > > isn't it?- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -
> > - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -
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