Thanks Rafael and Jon,

I will give it a go.


On Dec 12, 6:37 pm, "Jon Bennett" <> wrote:
> Hieagerterrier,
> >  I have a facebook type app that I need to build for a client (don't we
> >  all?) and in it I have a model that ideally needs to be owned by one
> >  user, and also habtm other users (the owners friends)
> I'd say it was fine.
> Model > belongsTo < User
> Model > habtm < Friends (a different name for the habtm but also uses
> the 'user' model)
> but, are the other users always friends of the owner user? if so, can
> you not assume that they have access to all 'Model' that the owner
> has? then you wouldn't need the habtm at all! - just a thought.
> cheers,
> Jon
> --
> jon bennett
> w:
> iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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