The array doesn't really look odd, it's doing exactly what Cake
normally does and encapsulating results in an array.

If I had to guess it would probably be due to the way your model is
structured, and how Cake is building the SQL based on the data you are
giving it.

Look at the generated query (by setting debug in your core.php file),
which will tell you what queries Cake is actually running. My guess is
that it's doing the keyword and count in separate queries because of
your model.

On Dec 11, 8:50 am, matth <> wrote:
> The keywords query in the view() function is returning the following
> array:
> Array ( [Hit] => Array ( [keyword] => banana ) [0] => Array ( [count]
> => 1 ) )
> I am going for: Array ( [Hit] => Array ( [keyword] => banana, [count]
> => 1 ) )
> class ItemsController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = 'Items';
>         var $uses = array('Item', 'Hit');
>         function index()
>         {
>                 $this->pageTitle = 'Items';
>                 #FIND UNIQUE!
>                 #$this->set('items', $this->Item->findAll());
>                 $this->set('items', $this->Item->query("SELECT * FROM 
> items"));
>         }
>         function view($item_id = null)
>         {
>                 $this->pageTitle = 'Item #'. $item_id;
>                 $this->Item->id = $item_id;
>                 $this->set('item', $this->Item->read());
>                 $this->set('keywords', $this->Hit->find('all', array
> ('conditions'=>'item_id="'.$item_id.'" AND keyword !=""',
> 'fields'=>array('DISTINCT keyword','COUNT(*) AS count'), 'group'=>array
> ('keyword'), 'order'=>'count DESC')));
>         }
> }
> Table Structure:
> hits
> --------
> hit_id
> ipa
> referer
> domain
> date
> item_id
> keyword
> items
> ---------
> item_id
> title
> Is my query incorrect? Could it be a problem with my model?
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