I struggled with the "unformatted black text on a white background" all night last night. I had the same .htaccess problem. Once I put the correct file into the root web folder... wahlah...

I open my email today to find that you had the same problem, finding the same answer. We were struggling at the same time...

I should have waited until today where I could have just read your answer... lol.


wbj wrote:
I'm very new to CakePHP, but to Mac OS X, PHP or Apache Mod_Rewrite.
I had problems getting the initial CakePHP installation to show the
styled landing page; instead, I saw unstyled black-on-white text.

To install CakePHP, I downloaded the appropriate .dmg file, then
Finder-dragged the image file's contents into a directory in my web
root.  What I finally remembered is that hidden files, such as
".htaccess", are invisible to the Finder.  Once I remembered that, I
opened the ".htaccess"  file with TextEdit and saved it to the
directory under webroot.

This fixed my problem!  Hopefully this will help you too!

On Dec 17, 1:38 am, Kyle Decot <kdec...@gmail.com> wrote:
I also forgot to mention that you must uncomment the line that looks

#LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so


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