Thank you for you reply, Rob.

I simplified things trying to get the troubleshooting more easy. I
a model, and a view with only one field, "first_name". I also created
add function in the controller which is supposed to validate input
then saving data to the database. The problem remains and I get
back to the form, where a label "Valid characters: letters and numbers
only, please try again" is attached to the field.

The view:

<div class="leads form">
        <?php echo $form->create('Lead');?>
                <legend><?php __('Add Lead');?></legend>
                echo $form->input('first_name'); ?>
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');

The model:

class Lead extends AppModel {

        var $name = 'Lead';

        var $validate = array(
                'first_name' => array(
                'alphaNumeric' => array(
                'rule' => 'alphaNumeric',
                'required' => true,
                'message' => 'Valid characters: letters and numbers only, 
please try

The add function in the controller:

function add() {
                if (!empty($this->data)) {
                        if ($this->RequestHandler->isPost()) {
                                if ($this->Lead->validates()) {
                                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Lead 
has been saved', true));
                                } else {
                                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Lead 
could not be saved. Please,
again.', true));

Output from the Debugger statements in the add function:

        "first_name" => "Paul"


        "first_name" => "Valid characters: letters and numbers only, please

        "first_name" => array()

Dump of the SessionHelper Object:

SessionHelper Object
   [helpers] =>
   [__active] => 1
   [valid] =>
   [error] =>
   [_userAgent] => 372acfb5aa1873a6a6ce218959a07d36
   [path] => /
   [lastError] =>
   [security] =>
   [time] => 1229549419
   [sessionTime] =>
   [watchKeys] => Array

   [id] =>
   [_log] =>
   [base] => /somepath
   [webroot] => /somepath/
   [here] => /somepath/leads/add
   [params] => Array
           [pass] => Array

           [named] => Array

           [controller] => leads
           [action] => add
           [plugin] =>
           [form] => Array

           [data] => Array
                   [Lead] => Array
                           [first_name] => Paul


           [url] => Array
                   [url] => leads/add

           [isAjax] =>
           [models] => Array
                   [0] => Lead


   [action] => add
   [data] => Array
           [Lead] => Array
                   [first_name] => Paul


   [themeWeb] =>
   [plugin] =>
   [validationErrors] => Array
           [Lead] => Array
                   [first_name] => Valid characters: letters and
only, please try again.



On 17 Dec, 20:03, Rob <> wrote:
> Without looking at your data model, I can't say for sure, but it would
> seem like you may be breaking a rule that is implied by the table.
> That said, you might want to add a message to your $validate like:
>             'last_name'  => array(
>                 'alphaNumeric' => array(
>                     'rule' => 'alphanumeric',
>                     'message' => 'Only letters and numbers for last
> name, please try again.'
>             ),
>         )
> On Dec 17, 2:56 am, Oribium <> wrote:
> > I am taking a look at cake 1.2, and I run into problems with the
> > validation
> > of form data. I took advantage of the console application to bake some
> > views, a model, and a controller based on an existing MySQL-database.
> > I
> > don't yet have a deep understanding of cake, and would happily welcome
> > hints and pointers which direction I should go.
> > I am trying to post data from a form to a database. However, whatever
> > data
> > I post, I get redirected back to the form, where a label "This field
> > cannot
> > be left blank" is attached to all fields. For instance if I fill the
> > alphanumeric field "last_name" with "Jones" (without qoutes), I will
> > get
> > the error message: "This field cannot be left blank". Futhermore,
> > $this->validationErrors contains all fields and the same error
> > message. I
> > have verified that the correct data from the form are assigned to the
> > controller object's data array with Configure::write('debug', 3);
> > The view is just a simple form like:
> > echo $form->create('Lead');
> > echo $form->input('last_name');
> > echo $form->input('modified_user_id');
> > ... quite a few more fields here ...
> > echo $form->end('Submit');
> > There are also a few form fields added with pure html code. These
> > fields
> > are not supposed to be posted to the database, neither be validated
> > with
> > the standard cake validation feature.
> > In the model, there is nothing but "name" and the validation array.
> > The model's validation array looks like:
> > var $validate = array(
> > 'last_name' => array('alphanumeric'),
> > 'modified_user_id' => array('alphanumeric'),
> > --- quite a few more fields here ---
> > )
> > The controller's add function:
> > function add() {
> > if (!empty($this->data)) {
> > if ($this->RequestHandler->isPost()) {
> > $this->Lead->create();
> > $this->Lead->set($this->data);
> > if ($this->Lead->save($this->data)) {
> > $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Lead has been saved', true));
> > $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));} else {
> > $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Lead could not be saved. Please, try
> > again.', true));
> > }
> > }
> > }
> > }
> > I also tried the following code in the controller: if
> > ($this->Lead->validates()) with the same result.
> > PHP version: 5.1.6
> > OS: Linux
> > CakePHP version:
> > $Id: VERSION.txt 7692 2008-10-02 05:06:48Z nate $
> > libs/model/model.php version:
> > $Id: model.php 7690 2008-10-02 04:56:53Z nate $
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