I think CakePHP has a really clever way to do this, so instead of
reinventing the wheel, i'd ask you guys. I've used the search feature
and read through the api.
I have the folowing models

Suite belongsTo Project
Test belongsTo Suite
Command belongsTo Test

At the login screen of the app you chose the project and the
project_id is stored in the session variable.
After that i want all models that in any way has a relation the
Project to only return data from that project.
Say i wanted to list all Tests, it should add something like this to
the sql "WHERE test.suite_id = suite.id AND suite.project_id=34"
For commands this would be "WHERE commands.test_id = test.id AND
tests.suite_id = suite.id AND suites.project_id=34"

I tried adding a beforeFind function to the project model
function beforeFind($queryData){
$queryData['conditions']['project_id'] = $_SESSION['project_id'];
return $queryData;
Didn't work as the function wasn't being called when another model
called the project object, eg. Command or Test

Cheers, Ralle
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