Has anyone else seen this, it appears to only happen when using the
auth component with cookies.  If I have an e-mail that begins with a
number, the auth component authenticates the wrong user.  It takes
whatever the leading number is and logs in the user with the ID of
that number, instead of the user with the correct e-mail address. Any
other e-mail account login works fine, as long as it doesn't begin
with a number.

Here's what my code looks like:

In my User Model I use this to check the login and find the correct

        function checkLogin($email)
            $user = $this->findByEmail($email);

            if ($user)
                return $user;
            return null;

In my AppController:

                $this->Auth->loginAction    = array('controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login');
                $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = '/';
                $this->Auth->loginError     = 'Either your Email or Password are
incorrect. Please try again';
                $this->Auth->authError      = 'Please Log In before attempting 
access this page.';
                $this->Auth->autoRedirect   = false;

                $cookie = $this->Cookie->read('User');

                if (is_array($cookie) && !$this->Auth->user())
                        $loginUser = $this->User->checkLogin($cookie['email']);
                        if (isset($loginUser)){
                                $loginSuccess = $this->Auth->login($loginUser);
                                if (!$loginSuccess){

And in my UsersController:

        function login() {
                if ($this->Auth->User()){

                        if (!empty($this->data)){
                                if (!($this->data['User']['remember'])){
                                } else {
                                        $cookie = array();
                                        $cookie['email'] = 
$this->Cookie->write('User',$cookie,true,'+2 weeks');


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