Ive been messing around with it a bit and got this, is this the right
way to do things?

class DashboardController extends AppController {
        var $uses = array('Friend');

        // Pagination
        var $paginate = array(
                'Friend' => array(
                        'limit' => 5,
                        'order' => array('Friend.requestTime' => 'ASC'),
                        'recursive' => -1

        function index() {
                $this->paginate['Friend'] = array('extra' => array('user_id' =>
                debug($this->paginate('Friend', array('Friend.status' =>

And the custom paginate query:

function paginate($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit, $page = 1,
$recursive = null, $extra = array()) {
        $conditions[] = array('OR' => array(
                'Friend.user_id' => $extra['extra']['user_id'],
                'Friend.friend_id' => $extra['extra']['user_id']

        $results = $this->findAll($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit,
$page, $recursive);
        $cleanResults = array();

        if (!empty($results)) {
                foreach ($results as $friend) {
                        if ($friend['Friend']['friend_id'] != 
$extra['extra']['user_id']) {
                                $friend_id = $friend['Friend']['friend_id'];
                        } else {
                                $friend_id = $friend['Friend']['user_id'];

                        $userObj = $this->User->find('first', array(
                                'fields' => array('User.id', 'User.username', 
'User.handle', 'User.country_id', 'User.signupDate'),
                                'recursive' => -1,
                                'conditions' => array('User.id' => $friend_id)

                        if (!empty($userObj)) {
                                $cleanResults[] = array_merge($friend, 

        return $cleanResults;

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