There are a few ways you can achieve this, depending of course what sort 
of data your're handling. Normally a login box doesn't require any model 
data so you can just make it into an element and have 
$this->element(...) [1] wherever you need your login box to appear. If 
you need to access model data on all your modules you can either use [2] 
the all required models in your controller and pass the data to your 
view or use requestAction [3] to fetch data for another controller.


bmaorlo wrote:
> Hi , I wonder if this is possible  ,
> lets say i have 2 modules
> 1. login box = i made it on folder http://localhost/cake/login/log
> 2. news box = i made it on folder http://localhost/cake/news/show
> Now i want to make 1 page that will conteins both of the modules , let
> say that ths url of this page will be
> http://localhost/cake/index.php
> i want to design the index.php and place there both of the modules ,
> every one of them should act like he act on his own adress but working
> toghether on the same page .
> is that possible ?
> Thanks ahead.
> Maor.
> >

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