You can use Model->query('any sql statement') to execute arbitrary sql 
code. Bear in mind, however, that what you're trying to do can be done 
with cake's built in methods in a much cleaner way. Model->query()  
should really be used as a last resort when cake can't handle what 
you're trying to do natively. Please do take some time to read the docs 
( you'll find answers to 90% of your problemas 
in the first 4 chapters.

mona wrote:
> I have code of my controller in which i use normal php codes to fetch
> data from a database and update counter how to do this in cakephp
> <?php
> class EntriesController extends AppController
>  {
>       var $name = 'Entries';
>     var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript','Ajax');
>     var $components = array('RequestHandler');
>       //var $uses=array('Entry','User');
>       function index(){
> ---------please consider it
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>     $query=mysql_query("select max(counter) from entries");
>     $row=mysql_fetch_array($query);
>       $co=$row[0];
>       $this->set('co',$co);
>       $name=$this->Session->read('User');
>       $query1=mysql_query("select id from users where username='$name'");
>     $row1=mysql_fetch_array($query1);
>       $user_id=$row1[0];
>       $this->set('user_id',$user_id);
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       $this->Entry->recursive = 1;
>       $this->set('entries', $this->Entry->findAll(null, null, array
> ('' => 'ASC','Submenu.submenu' => 'ASC')));
>     }
>        function view($id = null){
>        if (!$id){
>        $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for Entry.');
>        $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>        }
>        $this->set('entry', $this->Entry->read(null, $id));
>        }
>     function add(){
>     $this->set('sections', $this->Entry->Section->find('list',array
> ('fields'=>'Section.section','')));
>       if (empty($this->data)){
>       $this->render();
>       }
>     else{
>       $this->data['Entry']['name'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']['name'];
>     $this->data['Entry']['type'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']
> ['type'];
>     $this->data['Entry']['size'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']
> ['size'];
>       if ($this->Entry->save($this->data)){
> -------------------------please check it from
> here-----------------------------------------------------------
>       $id=mysql_insert_id();
>       $query=mysql_query("select max(counter) from entries");
>     $row=mysql_fetch_array($query);
>     $co=$row[0]+1;
>     $q=mysql_query("update entries set counter=$co where id=$id");
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       $this->Session->setFlash('The Entry has been saved');
>       }
>     else{
>       $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');
>       $this->redirect('/entries/add');
>       }
>     if (move_uploaded_file($this->data['Entry']['File']['tmp_name'],
> WWW_ROOT.'/files/' .$this->data['Entry']['File']['name']))
>     {
>       echo "File uploaded successfully";
>     }
>     else{
>     echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
>       }
>     $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>     }
>     }
>       function edit($id = null){
>       $this->set('sections', $this->Entry->Section->find('list',array
> ('fields'=>'Section.section','','recursive' => 1,'page' =>
> 1,)));
>       if (empty($this->data)){
>       if (!$id){
>       $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for Entry');
>       $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>       }
>       $this->data = $this->Entry->read(null, $id);
>       }
>       else{
> -----------------------------------------------please
> check------------------------------------------------------------------
>     $query=mysql_query("select max(counter) from entries");
>     $row=mysql_fetch_array($query);
>       $co=$row[0]+1;
>     $q=mysql_query("update entries set counter=$co where id=$id");
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       if ($this->Entry->save($this->data)){
>       $this->Session->setFlash('The Entry has been saved');
>       $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>       }
>       else{
>       $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');
>       }
>       }
>       }
>     function delete($id = null){
>       if (!$id){
>       $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for Entry');
>       $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>       }
>       if ($this->Entry->del($id)){
>       $this->Session->setFlash('Record deleted successfully');
>       $this->redirect('/entries/index');
>       }
>       }
>     function update_select(){
>     if(!empty($this->data['Entry']['section_id'])){
>     $section_id = (int)$this->data['Entry']['section_id'];
>     $options = $this->Entry->Submenu->find('list',array('section_id'=>
> $section_id,'recursive' => 1,'conditions'=>array('section_id'=>
> $section_id),'page' => 1,'fields'=>'Submenu.submenu'));
>     $this->set('options',$options);
>     }
>     }
> }
> ?>
> >

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