Since you are using "non-standard" names for your ID columns, you need
to specify $primaryKey in your models, so your Person model, you would

$primaryKey = 'location_id';

If you set debug to 2 or 3, you'll see the queries being executed. You
may need to set recursive to get the non-related data too, see:

On Jan 8, 8:09 am, Ernesto <> wrote:
> Hello.
> i have 3 models
> - Person
> - Location
> - Location_Type
> pointing respectively @ 3 tables:
> Persons:
> person_id
> name
> surname
> Locations:
> location_id
> person_id
> location_type_id
> address
> country
> Location_Types:
> location_type_id
> description
> the 3 models are linked as follow:
> Person hasMany Location
> Location belongsTo Location_Type
> here's the models' code
> class person extends AppModel {
>         var $hasMany = array(
>                 "Locations" => array(
>                         "className" => "Location",
>                         "foreignKey" => "location_id",
>                         "dependent" => "true"
>                 )
>         );
> }
> class location extends AppModel {
>         var $belongsTo = array(
>                 "Location_Type" => array(
>                         "className" => "LocationType",
>                         "foreignKey" => "location_type_id",
>                         "dependent" => "true"
>                 )
>         );
> }
> I can't find out why the "Location_Type"'s data is not showing when i
> load data from the "Person" model
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