Are you using a view with $messageText inside it?

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Brenda <> wrote:
> I posted this problem in an earlier message but I don't think I
> explained well, so let me try again:
> I have an email template that uses the email element 'messageText'.
> Usually, according to cookbook, you set this in the controller as:
> $this->set('messageText',$messageText);
> and then call the Email component to send the message.
> I have written my own component that sets up alot of the boilerplate
> in the email component since I use the same settings from several
> controllers, so my controllers call my component, MyEmailComponent,
> and then my component in turn calls the cakephp Email component.
> This worked fine in 1.2 RC3.
> I just upgraded to 1.2 final and it seems that the Email component
> can't find 'messageText'. Is there a problem with a component calling
> a component? Does that confuse what got set in the controller?
> I tried re-writing so that my component would take $messageText as a
> passed in value, but it didn't work to do $this->set('messageText',
> $messageText) within my component, either.
> Alternatively, is there a way to set the email elements other than
> using $this->set?
> thanks,
> Brenda
> >

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