I wrote a straight forward article on retrieveing images from a db for
inline use and as downloads.


I think youll find it answers your questions.  please comment if you
have any feedback (positive or negative)

On Jan 12, 10:00 am, Martin Westin <martin.westin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi mona,
> It is not too hard to display "dynamic" images, protected images or in
> your case database-stored images.
> You need two parts for this puzzle.
> 1: Your controller needs a new method called "image" or something like
> it.
> This method will pretty much be a copy of your view method.
> This method (it's view) needs to output a binary image.
> You gan get fancy with MediaView and things like that but start by
> setting some headers and just ehoing out the image data.
> You shouldn't need all these but these are the headers I send for
> dynamic images... seems to work the best in all browsers with all
> these.
> header("Pragma: public");
> header("Expires: 0");
> header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
> header("Cache-Control: public", false);
> header("Content-Type: $filetype");
> header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
> header("Content-Disposition: inline;");
> header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
> header("Content-Length: " .$filesize);
> 2: Your current view needs to point to the method above for the
> relevant image tag. Some browsers seem to almost require an extension
> on an image so you may want to add it in the view and parse it out in
> the controller even if you don't use "parseExtensions".
> http://app.site/entries/image/23http://app.site/entries/image/23.jpg
> or if you get really fancy and use 
> parseExtensionshttp://app.site/entries/view/23.jpg
> On Jan 12, 3:14 pm, mona <poojapinj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > i m storing images in database and i wan't to display images in my
> > view how to do this in cake php
> > my controller code is
> > <?php
> > class EntriesController extends AppController
> >  {
> >         var $name = 'Entries';
> >     var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript','Ajax');
> >         //var $uses=array('Entry','User');
> >     var $components = array('RequestHandler');
> >         function index(){
> >         //$count = $this->Entry->find('all', array('fields' => array('(max
> > (Entry.counter)) as max_counter')));
> >     $query=mysql_query("select max(counter) from entries");
> >     $row=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> >         $count=$row[0];
> >         $this->set('count',$count);
> >         $name=$this->Session->read('User');
> >         $query1=mysql_query("select id from users where username='$name'");
> >     $row1=mysql_fetch_array($query1);
> >         $user_id=$row1[0];
> >         $this->set('user_id',$user_id);
> >         $this->Entry->recursive = 1;
> >         $this->set('entries', $this->Entry->findAll(null, null, array
> > ('Section.id' => 'ASC','Submenu.submenu' => 'ASC')));
> >     }
> >          function view($id = null){
> >          if (!$id){
> >          $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for Entry.');
> >          $this->redirect('/entries/index');
> >          }
> >          $this->set('entry', $this->Entry->read(null, $id));
> >          }
> >     function add(){
> >     $this->set('sections', $this->Entry->Section->find('list',array
> > ('fields'=>'Section.section','Section.id')));
> >         if (!empty($this->data) &&
> >              is_uploaded_file($this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['tmp_name']))
> >                 {
> >                 $fileData = fread(fopen($this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['tmp_name'], "r"),
> >                                      $this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['size']);
> >             $this->data['Entry']['name'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['name'];
> >             $this->data['Entry']['type'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['type'];
> >             $this->data['Entry']['size'] = $this->data['Entry']['File']
> > ['size'];
> >             $this->data['Entry']['data'] = $fileData;
> >                                 if ($this->Entry->save($this->data)){
> >                                 $id=mysql_insert_id();
> >                                 $query=mysql_query("select max(counter) 
> > from entries");
> >                                 $row=mysql_fetch_array($query);
> >                                 $co=$row[0]+1;
> >                                 $q=mysql_query("update entries set 
> > counter=$co where id=$id");
> >                                 $this->Session->setFlash('The Entry has 
> > been saved');
> >                                 $this->redirect('/entries/index');
> >                 }
> >         else{
> >         $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');
> >         $this->redirect('/entries/add');
> >         }
> >     }
> >         }
> > }?>
> > images are storing in database but how to display it i don't know
> > my view code
> > <table style="background-color:#eeeeee;border:0px;width:100%;"><tr
> > style="background-color:#eeeeee;">
> > <tr style="background-color:#eeeeee;" ><td style="background-
> > color:#eeeeee;width:100%;border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;border-
> > right: 1px solid #eeeeee;" ><h2>Welcome <?php echo $id=$session->read
> > ('User')?></h2></td></tr>
> > </table>
> > <div class="contententry">
> > <h1>View Entry</h1>
> >  <?php
> > echo $html->css('style');
> > ?>
> > <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Id</td>
> > <td style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php echo $entry['Entry']['id']?></
> > td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Name</td>
> > <td style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php
> >         if(strlen($entry['Entry']['username'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['username'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Address</td>
> > <td style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php if(strlen($entry['Entry']
> > ['Address'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['Address'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Phone</td>
> > <td style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php if(strlen($entry['Entry']
> > ['Telephone'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['Telephone'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Website</td>
> > <td style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php if(strlen($entry['Entry']
> > ['Website'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['Website'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Section</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php echo $entry['Section']
> > ['section']?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Submenu</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php echo $entry['Submenu']
> > ['submenu']?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td style="background:#b0c1d9;">Listitem</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php
> >         if(strlen($entry['Entry']['Listitem'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['Listitem'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;">Detail</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php
> >         if(strlen($entry['Entry']['Detail'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['Detail'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;" width="30%">Attachment</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php
> >         if(strlen($entry['Entry']['name'])>0)
> >         {
> >         echo $entry['Entry']['name'];
> >         }
> >         else{
> >         echo "----";
> >         }
> >         ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > ----------------------------------------here i m displaying image
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > <tr><td  style="background:#b0c1d9;" width="30%">Image</td>
> > <td  style="background:#eeeeee;"><?php
> > echo $html->image(array('controller'=>'entries','action'=>'show',$entry
> > ['Entry']['data']));
> > ?></td>
> > </tr>
> > </table>
> > <table style="border:0px; background-color:#00254A;width:100%;border-
> > bottom:0px;" >
> > <tr style="background-color:#00254A;" ><td style="background-
> > color:#00254A;width:8%;text-align: center;border-right: 1px solid
> > #fff;" >
> > <?php echo $html->link('Edit entry',   '/entries/edit/' . $entry
> > ['Entry']['id'],array('class'=>'ppstyle'))?></td>
> > <td style="background-color:#00254A;width:8%;text-align:center;border-
> > right: 1px solid #fff;"><?php echo $html->link('Delete entry', '/
> > entries/delete/' . $entry['Entry']['id'], array
> > ('class'=>'ppstyle',null, 'Are you sure you want to delete: id ' .
> > $entry['Entry']['id'] . '?')) ?></td>
> > <td style="background-color:#00254A;width:8%;text-align: center;border-
> > right: 1px solid #fff;" ><?php echo $html->link('Home',   '/entries/
> > index',array('class'=>'ppstyle')) ?></td>
> > <td style="background-color:#00254A;width:8%;text-align:center;border-
> > right: 1px solid #fff;" ><?php echo $html->link('Add new',        '/entries/
> > add',array('class'=>'ppstyle')) ?></td>
> > <td style="background-color:#00254A;width:50%;text-align:
> > center;border-right: 1px solid #fff;"></td>
> > </tr>
> > </table>
> > </div>
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