So I finally figured out why the sessions keep mysteriously dropping
on my blackberry. The symptoms are simple. Login to the cake app, and
you get to the first logged in page. Then when you click on anything
else to take you deeper into the site, you get redirected back to the
login page.

The problem was that this was only really happening in the test
staging site and not on my development site. So I 'diff -r' the
directories, and the only differences I could find were in the
core.php files. In the development site, I have debug set to level 2,
and I have the security level to low. In the production training site
I have security level set to high. Lo-and-behold, changing the
security level to low would allow for the blackberry to continue on
its merry way. I then ratcheted the staging site up to medium, and the
blackberry continued to work.

So the only thing I could think of is that the blackberry couldn't
handle swapping of session ID's between requests. According to the
cakephp cookbook, section High and medium enable
session.referer_check, while in high the CakePHP session IDs are
regenerated between requests. The blackberry typically goes through a
proxy server, so that might be it.


On Jan 14, 10:25 pm, Elmo <> wrote:
> I am having a problem. While developing I keep my Security.level to
> low while also using SSL. When I am ready to stage my site for
> testing, I have the production setting which is Security.level on high
> and SSL. The entire site is locked down (you need to login to access
> the site).
> My problem is that while using aBlackberryto visit the pre-
> production site, session information is not stored past the "Login"
> click. The next click afterwards goes back to the login page.
> - If I go to a non-SSL version of the pre-production site with myblackberry, 
> everything works.
> - If I go to a Security.level low SSL version of the pre-production
> site with myblackberry, everything works.
> - If I go to a Security.level medium (SSL or non-SSL) version of the
> pre-production site with myblackberryeverything works.
> I want to keep it on Security.level high. Why can't I do so with 
> theblackberry?
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