Check out the extra quotes in the model name in the WHERE clause

SELECT `Organization`.`name`, `Organization`.`description` FROM
`organizations` AS `Organization`   WHERE `‘Organization’`.`status` =
'inactive'   ORDER BY `Organization`.`name` asc

I've used SimpleTest before, but am now beginning to use it in the
context of CakePHP's testing framework.  All test cases that involving
a model are failing because the model names are getting enclosed with
single quotes, which produces table names in database queries that of
course don't exist.  For example:

App::import('Model', 'Organization');

class OrganizationTestCase extends CakeTestCase
    public $useTable = 'organizations';
    public $fixtures = array('app.organization');

    public function testInactive()
        $this->Organization = ClassRegistry::init('Organization');

        $result = $this->Organization->inactive(array('name',
        $expected = array(
           array('Organization' => array('name' => 'Test Company
Name', 'description'    => 'Mortgages'))
        $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);

results in a failed assertion and two E_NOTICES.

The failed assertion:
Equal expectation fails as [Boolean: false] does not match [Array: 1
items] at [/usr/local/apache2/vhosts/
cases/models/organization.test.php line 19]

The Errors:
Unexpected PHP error [Use of undefined constant �Organization� -
assumed '�Organization�'] severity [E_NOTICE] in [/usr/local/
apache2/vhosts/ line

Unexpected PHP error [<span style = "color:Red;text-align:left"><b>SQL
Error:</b> 1054: Unknown column '�Organization�.status'
in 'where clause'</span>] severity [E_USER_WARNING] in [/usr/local/
dbo_source.php line 514]

The use (or lack of) $useTable in the app/models or tests/cases/models
code makes little difference. If I leave out the $useTable statement,
the inflector creates this table name: 'organization's generating this
Error:  Database table ‘organization’s for model Organization was not

What obvious thing am I missing here?

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