Graham, thanks for your answer. The RemotingController class is loaded
fine with:

App::import('Controller', 'Remoting');

but components don't get initialized, it throws the same error. I also
tried adding after the App::import():


But didn't initialized components.


On 15 ene, 18:54, Graham Weldon <> wrote:
> Hey,
> Better than including php files, use the CakePHP App::import() and
> ClassRegistry::init() methods.
> These locate, include and in the case of the ClassRegistry, instantiate and
> return the object for you.
> You would in this case, do something like:
> App::import('Controller', 'RemotingController');
> class RemotingUsersController extends RemotingController {
>    /// implementation
> }
> Run a few tests with that, but its my understanding that this method should
> make the components available for the RemotingUsersController class.
> If not, ensuring that the __construct() passes back to the parent should
> ensure that the parent class is processed properly, but this should happen
> by default.
> Try the App::import() and let me know how you go with the components.
> Cheers,
> Graham
> On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:47:58 -0800 (PST), caminante
> <> wrote:
> > Being released 1.2 final version of CakePHP, I opened this discussion
> > to try to bring some light together to this issue.
> > My need:
> > What's in the subject of this discussion; I have a couple of "special"
> > controllers to be called from flash (through cakeswxphp). What I need
> > is those controllers extending a "RemotingController" (with it's set
> > of thingies for communication with flash) which in turn extends
> > AppController. Sounded easy when I thought it, it's a common practice
> > in OOP and I cannot see why it wouldn't be implemented in an OOP
> > framework as CakePHP. Let's see:
> > 1) class RemotingController extends AppController {}   // dir: app/ or
> > app/controllers/
> > 2) class RemotingUsersController extends RemotingController {}   //
> > dir: app/controllers/
> > When I make a request to an action in RemotingUsersController, "Class
> > 'RemotingController' not found", either putting it at app/ or app/
> > controllers/. Ok, CakePHP didn't noticed RemotingController class
> > existed.
> > There are a couple of (old or even antique) discussions on the
> > subject:
> (from 2005)
> > and a more recent one:
> > (from mid 2007)
> > Neither seemed to found a (nice?) way to do this and according to
> > dates, they were discussing on different stages in the evolution of
> > the framework.
> > I applied something said in the first one, suggesting the following:
> > require_once('parent_controller.php');
> > class ChildController extends ParentController {}
> > The requirement for the php file with my RemotingController class
> > would work fine (though not being a pretty/frameworkian solution, but
> > I can live with that). Now my class seems to be recognized by Cake but
> > I have another problem: The components I declare for this class don't
> > work ("Call to a member function requestedWith() on a non-object", for
> > example). Seems that leaving a little bit the CakePHP "rigorous-
> > mechanics/convention-over-configuration" of Cake, there are some
> > things that stop working "automagically", such as automatic components
> > initialization.
> > My questions:
> > How, then, can I initialize components? (and maybe why there's nothing
> > in the book on this subject?)
> > What can be the most practical and conventional way of doing what I
> > need?
> > Are others there that achieved good results with this?
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