There is in fact such a group. I would say they are the last resort,
white night, zombie hunting, bug assassins but they can and will do
the job with perfection in mind. That of course is the CakeDC ( ).

Team members:
    * Larry E. Master
    * Garrett J. Woodworth
    * Jitka Koukalová
    * Florian Krämer
    * Yevgeny Tomenko
    * Niles Rowland
    * Erin McCargar
    * Daniel Feinberg
    * Mark Story

If you were to check cake out and do a blame I'd bet that 90%-95% of
the code was contributed by these people. To my knowledge they are the
official Cake consultancy firm. I'm just a poor college kid so I don't
know how much it would run to hire them but if you're in a bind they
will be able to fix your problem.

That said, Cake is just a framework and you don't have to start with
everything in cake. For me when I started I used another open source
php billing/invoicing program and bug tracker and as I had more and
more time to devote to making my corporate identity I started to write
cake apps that wrapped themselves around the databases of the other
software and I eventually merged them all together to form one
coherent billing/bug tracking/invoicing program. Open source is great,
but so is commercial. Whats best for you might be closed source, but
there is no reason that you have to use it for the rest of forever.

As for you getting open source help the IRC channel is amazing. I will
flat out say right now that the IRC channel is one of the big reasons
I stuck with Cake instead of running off to symphony or some other
framework. The people in IRC are (usually) very friendly and they will
not just feed you fish, they will teach you how to catch the fish.

Best of luck with your business.
(Oh and if you want to hire me to fix some bugs for you, I work for
the low, low price of Top Ramen noodles)

~Andrew Allen

On Jan 17, 1:51 pm, wrote:
> Your concerns are legitimate for any open source software.  Perhaps you can
> find a consultancy that can offer you support for more rigorous challenges.
> That way, you get the best of both worlds: free, friendly-licensed,
> extensible, community-supported software; and dependable experts who will
> provide you with personalized support.
> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 3:32 PM, reidster <> wrote:
> > Although I'd certainly like to get to the rapid part of cakePHP
> > development, I'm not as concerned about the development time as I am
> > concerned about production downtime.  I do not have infrastructure to
> > test code under load and for every possible query combination and
> > software version combination (OS, DB, App, etc.).  If the system
> > crashes or does not scale for some reason, I would lose business while
> > I searched the web looking for an resolution.  I don't have years to
> > become an expert in every little nuance.
> > And, if I turn a profit with cakePHP, donations would be provided to
> > the projects that support my business.  Whatever technology I base my
> > business on I want that technology to be reliable, sustained, and
> > improved upon for years.
> > Anyway, thanks for your comments.
> > -Reid
> > On Jan 17, 12:38 pm, WebbedIT <> wrote:
> > > I am looking to move to CakePHP as my commercial solution and I have
> > > shared the same concerns over my lengthy learning curve.
> > > I've submitted a lot of questions to this group and sometimes I have
> > > had to resubmit the same questions in various different ways to get an
> > > answer, but I accept that CakePHP is after all free (although those
> > > using it commercially should really share a little love via donations)
> > > and the support is in the main provided by it's users. Plus nine times
> > > out of 10 the answer to my problems is simple and has been staring me
> > > in the face for hours/days!
> > > The way I see it is CakePHP is a framework that you can use whichever
> > > way you want, which in itself generates a lot of support queries, many
> > > of which overlap, as people bend it in all sorts of directions to meet
> > > their requirements.  Whilst it is taking me a long time to learn how
> > > to use the framework I know that as I grasp each concept the
> > > convention over configuration principle means I can easily and quickly
> > > apply it to all of my CakePHP projects (not that I have one project
> > > finished).
> > > I am highly confident that my modest investment of time to learn this
> > > framework will pay dividends as my previously bespoke PHP coded
> > > applications that were really hard to maintain and update become more
> > > streamlined and maintainable due to the conventions and design
> > > patterns CakePHP uses, plus lead time of projects will reduce
> > > drastically with each project as I will be able to reuse code I have
> > > already written.
> > > But it comes down to what your requirements are at the end of the day!
> > > Paul
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