Ummm, yeah fortunately in my case the cell phone browsers seem to have
fairly good support for access keys because I don't recall ever
running into any major issues. I remember very clearly that all we had
to do was just to use the regular accesskey for the links we wanted
the users to access.

Good luck and please post your findings if you come up with a good solution.



On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Bill Cavnar <> wrote:
> Hi, Alfredo. Thanks for replying.
> BTW, did you reply through the CakePHP Group? If you did, I am not seeing
> your post there yet.
> To answer your question, yes I actually did use the HTML accesskey attribute
> at first. However, it required that the user use either use the Alt key (on
> Windows) or the Control key (on the Mac) or Shift-Esc on Opera, etc. My
> product director wanted it to work like Gmail and other Web 2.0-type apps
> which implement true single-key hotkeys. It really was very disappointed to
> learn about the somewhat hideous complexity that the current accesskey
> implementations all have (look at the first couple of paragraphs from the
> Wikipedia article on access keys to see what I mean). Perhaps it all works
> in a more civilized fashion for cellphone/WAP-style applications.
> Anyway, let me know if you ever come up with some sort of way to do
> single-key accesskeys.
> Thanks again.
> --Bill
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil
> <> wrote:
>> Hello Bill:
>> Is there a reason why you are not able to use accesskey (html)?
>> I had a similar project for cell phone (web) development and
>> accesskey's should do the trick here, also very simple to use.
>> Example:
>> <A accesskey="c" rel="contents" href="http://location";>Display Link</A>
>> Alfredo
>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:14 PM, MichTex <> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have been working for a number of months on an application using
>> > CakePHP, and have for the most part found it to be a very congenial
>> > development environment. However, for the last few weeks I've been
>> > struggling with what looks to be some peculiar CakePHP behavior.
>> > Basically, I am trying to implement keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) using
>> > simple Javascript event handling to capture keycodes, and then, via
>> > the browser's location.href property, route the user to the
>> > appropriate page. This approach works great most of the time. However,
>> > there are a couple of users for whom this approach causes the browser
>> > to route them to the login page rather than the desired page. I have
>> > rummaged through hundreds of postings here in the CakePHP Google
>> > group, and done dozens of Google searches through CakePHP
>> > documentation and numerous relevant blogs, but so far have turned up
>> > no clues to what the problem is.
>> >
>> > Let me expand on the details a little bit:
>> >
>> > -The application I am working on mostly provides a few basic screens
>> > which present blocks of text followed either by simple forms, or by
>> > sets of link-type or button-type navigation choices. This part of the
>> > system works very well.
>> >
>> > -Recently, the product director wanted me to add hotkeys to speed up
>> > navigation. For example, in cases where the navigation consists of a
>> > short list of choices, he wants the user to be able to type a single
>> > digit associated with each choice. Thus, if there were 5 navigation
>> > choices, numbered 1 to 5, the user could either use the mouse to click
>> > on any of the 5 links for those choices, or type the individual digits
>> > 1 to 5 on the keyboard to select the corresponding link. In another
>> > case, there is an informational screen with a big Next button at the
>> > bottom. The product director wants the user to be able to go to the
>> > next page either by clicking on the Next button with the mouse, or by
>> > typing either the letter 'n' or a carriage return.
>> >
>> > -In order to implement the hotkey idea, I wrote some CakePHP code to
>> > generate simple Javascript to capture keycodes from keypress events,
>> > and then execute for particular characters a Javascript line of the
>> > form
>> >
>> >  location.href = '';
>> >
>> > which would cause the browser to switch to the specified page. [I used
>> > the Event class from the Prototype Javascript library together with
>> > CakePHP's Javascript Helper. I've attached an example of the kind of
>> > Javascript that gets generated to the end of this posting.]
>> >
>> > -When I wrote the hotkey-handling code several weeks ago, it appeared
>> > to work fine. In fact, it continues to work perfectly for me. Here's
>> > where it gets weird, though. About 90% of the time, when the product
>> > director himself tries a hotkey, he ends up on a login screen, as if
>> > he had been logged out. However, if he hits the back button, and then
>> > uses the mouse to make a choice on the screen he had been on, that
>> > works fine. So, he had not in fact been logged out.
>> >
>> > -The product director has so far tried this with 3 different browsers
>> > (IE, Firefox and Chrome) on 5 different machines in 2 different
>> > locations, and gotten the same bad behavior in roughly the same 90/10
>> > bad/good behavior split. There are two other people involved with this
>> > project, as well. For one of them, like me, the hotkeys have never
>> > failed, while for the other user hotkey navigation has almost always
>> > worked, but has in fact failed a few times.
>> >
>> > So, can anyone provide some insight into this situation? Is there any
>> > reason why routing to a CakePHP page using Javascript's location.href
>> > should always work for some users, most of the time for other users,
>> > and rarely for yet others? Is there an alternative way to route to a
>> > CakePHP page from Javascript? Or is there some other way to implement
>> > a hotkey capability?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give.
>> >
>> > BillCavnar
>> > ---------------------------------------------------------
>> > Example of the generated Javascript code for handling hotkeys:
>> >
>> > <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/prototype.js"></script>
>> > <script type="text/javascript">
>> > //<![CDATA[
>> > Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
>> >  Event.observe(document, 'keypress', function(e){
>> >    var code;
>> >    if (!e) {
>> >      var e = window.event;
>> >    }
>> >    if (e.keyCode) {
>> >      code = e.keyCode;
>> >    } else if (e.which) {
>> >      code = e.which;
>> >    }
>> >    var character = String.fromCharCode(code);
>> >    switch(character) {
>> >      case '1':
>> >        location.href = 'http://
>> > show_answer/1';
>> >        break;
>> >      case '2':
>> >        location.href = 'http://
>> > show_answer/2';
>> >        break;
>> >      case '3':
>> >        location.href = 'http://
>> > show_answer/3';
>> >        break;
>> >      case '4':
>> >        location.href = 'http://
>> > show_answer/4';
>> >        break;
>> >      case '5':
>> >        location.href = 'http://
>> > show_answer/5';
>> >        break;
>> >    }
>> >  });
>> > });
>> >
>> > //]]>
>> > </script>
>> >
>> >
>> > >> >
>> >

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