In debug mode, cake shows queries used to build current page.
I've got sometimes over 200 queries and I want to identify them -
where are they comming from - which controller/actions?
I need that info to make some optimization. How I can do that?

Second question is about cache - I got website where every model is
connected to each other, and one of these models is 'voting'. Data in
voting model is changing very often, which makes my cached websites
not valid and cake is creating them again. It makes my cache totaly
useless, because cache sometimes doesn't last for more than minute.

Is there a way to say "ignore changes in model 'vote' " or don't
refresh cache for some time even if there were changes.
I got many actions that don't need to be updated for at least hour
(rank of photos), but cake automatically is unvalidating cache, and
big query is executing again.

Where I can read about cakephp optimalization? I need some keywords
for google :)
RIght now I'm interested in using "mem-cached", what else?

Thanks for help in advance, and sorry for my english, it's late, and
I'm little bit tire :/

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