You don't need to redirect. When you do so, the information stored in
$validationErrors is lost because you're making a new request. If you
remove the redirect() call, Cake should simply re-display the form.
Then if all is working well, FormHelper will take care of printing the
errors for you.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Mickiii <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is probably simple, but I can't find any specifics on it.
> I have a controller called ledger_controller, which uses two models:
> Ledgeraccount and Ledgertransaction. Within this controller i have a
> function called chartofaccounts, which includes a form, with an action
> that leads to the ledger controller, but a function called "add". I
> can save the data alright, and also validate it, but I can't get the
> error messages to show... why is that?
> Controller "ledger":
>        function add () {
>                if(!empty($this->data)) {
>                        $this->Ledgeraccount->set($this->data);
>                        if($this->Ledgeraccount->validates()) {
>                                $this->Ledgeraccount->save($this->data, false);
>                                $this->redirect('chartofaccounts');
>                        } else {
>                                $this->Session->setFlash('Venligt ret fejlene 
> herunder',
> 'default', array('class'=>'bad'));
>                                $this->redirect('chartofaccounts');
>                        }
>                }
>        }
> Form in chartofaccounts.ctp
> <?=$form->create('Ledgeraccount', array('url' => '/ledger/add'));?>
> <?
>        echo $form->input('Ledgeraccount.number');
>        echo $form->input('');
>        echo $form->input('Ledgeraccount.type', array('options' => array(
>                'header'=>'Header',
>                'sum'=>'Sum',
>                'profitloss'=>'Profit Loss',
>                'balancesheet'=>'Balancesheet'
>        )));
> ?>
> <?=$form->end('Create');?>
> If this is standard behaviour, then is there any way I can get the
> errormessages to show in the chartofaccounts view, without breaking
> the conventions too much?
> Thanks
> >

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