Just a dumb guess, but did you clear your app cache?

On Feb 3, 1:17 pm, ieatfood <ieatf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just upgraded my system to use CakePHP from RC2, and I'm
> getting the following error even on actions with just a die(); command
> in them:
> Notice (8): Undefined offset:  0 [/home/rmsc/rmsc/cake/cake/libs/
> configure.php, line 1185]
> __destruct - [internal], line ??
> app::__destruct() - /home/rmsc/rmsc/cake/cake/libs/configure.php, line
> 1185
> [main] - [internal], line ??
> Context:
> $this   =       app
> app::$_log = NULL
> app::$search = array
> app::$return = false
> app::$__cache = true
> app::$__map = array
> app::$__paths = array
> app::$__loaded = array
> $core   =       array()
> Line 1185 in configure.php is:
> unset($this->__paths[rtrim($core[0], DS)]);
> I just noticed that these two more are also coming up all the time:
> Warning: mkdir(../cake) [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/
> rmsc/rmsc/cake/cake/libs/folder.php on line 465
> Fatal error: Undefined class name 'i18n' in /home/rmsc/rmsc/cake/cake/
> basics.php on line 605
> These are all core functions, and I don't make any explicit use of any
> of these these in my app.  Can someone help me out?  I really want to
> be able to use the new cake releases and some of the new classes (like
> Xml).
> Thank you in advance,
> Kuba
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