After using 'cake bake' to generate user controller + views and trying 
add new username (with password), it works like a charm! All the 
passwords hashed beautifully. :)

So it's true that auth component will not hash password in scaffoled mode.

Thanks a lot.

-- heryudi

BrendonKoz wrote:

> I believe the issue exists because automatic scaffolding is not for
> production use, but pre-development to give you a sense of the
> possible interaction of the site and your model relations.
> Once you use something that is more of a production-ready feature
> (such as Auth), it will no longer work properly with scaffolding.  You
> can use `cake bake` (example videos supplied on the CakePHP website)
> to create actual files that mimic a scaffolded website.
> On Feb 3, 8:50 am, Webweave <> wrote:
>> Once you turn on Auth, the passwords will get hashed automagically by
>> Cake (assuming you have 'Auth' in your $components, and your
>> beforeFilter logic is right).
>> If you have existing rows that were added before you turned Auth on,
>> you will likely need to update them so that they get stored in the DB
>> as hashed values.

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