Hello together,

i've an DB - Table with two interessting columns. So now i want check
if somebody enter the same Words. Let me explain a little bit more

column 1 | column 2
Table | Chair

So if somebody enter the same combination in the Textfield the line
souldn't add to Table

My prefered Test-construct is
$results = $this->MyModel->find(
'AND' => array
'column1'=> $this->data['MyModel']['column1']),
'column2'=> $this->data['MyModel']['column2'])
But if somebody Type Table | Wall e.q. That is correct. Only the same

In http://book.cakephp.org/view/73/Retrieving-Your-Data i found not
really help. Can everyone help me
How does it run correctly?

Many greetings

Marcus Radisch
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