Thanks for replying Brian. Actually I had a wrong link in there but
after fixing it I dont get the error message anymore. Now it just
renders my index page while the url still end in .pdf.

In my controller I got this:

        function forms() {
                $this->pageTitle = 'Fitness Lab : Forms';
                $this->set('page', 'forms');
                $this->set('pageName', 'Forms');
        }// end forms()

                                function health_questionnaire() {
                                                        $this->pageTitle = 
'Fitness Lab : Forms : Health
                                                        // set page info
'Health Questionnaire');
                                                        // set view file
                                                }// end health_questionnaire()

Im not using a mode since the content is static.

In my views folder I have fitness_lab/forms.

My link in fitness_lab/forms/index looks like this

<a href="health_questionaire.pdf">
array('class' =>
'pdficon')); ?></a>

If it helps heres a url to the page im working on.

You can see that when you click on the download a form link that the
url displays correctly but the page does not render the pdf file.



On Feb 8, 9:18 pm, brian <> wrote:
> I guess the obvious questions are, what does your link URL look like,
> and what's in this error.php file at line 25?
> Shouldn't that be app_error.php, btw?
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:01 AM, justclint <> wrote:
> > Everything I've seen doing a search on google and in this group seems
> > to be based on converting files/views to pdf.
> > I have pdf files that I just need to link to. I keep getting this
> > parse error when I click on the link to the pdf file:
> > Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION in /
> > data/15/1/101/96/1753748/user/1895223/htdocs/nf_dev/app/error.php on
> > line 25
> > Is there a way to just link to existing pdf files?
> > Thanks!
> > justclint
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