Here is the code of a really basic mootools JS object that can pretty
much be dropped in for paging a standard cake index view

All you have to do is wrap your view code in a div and specify that id
as your pagingDivId

This is extremely basic and doesnt make allowance for request failure
events etc - just the basics.



On Feb 10, 11:45 am, "Arak Tai'Roth" <> wrote:
> The project that I am currently working on is constrained by the fact
> that I have to use MooTools for a few things we are using. I also
> don't really want to use Prototype as the load times in certain cases
> aren't exactly friendly.
> So I was wondering if there is anywhere I can learn how to implement
> AJAX Pagination with MooTools, I know there is a tutorial in the
> bakery for JQuery, I was hoping for something similar using MooTools.
> Or if someone can give me some examples here.
> Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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