class ControllerC extends AppController {
  function A1() {
    // blablabla

  function A2() {
    if (empty($this->params['requested']) || ($this->params
['requested']!=1)) {
    // blablabla


On Feb 11, 12:39 pm, Bogdan Ursu <> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I have this setup: Controller C has two actions A1 and A2. In the view
> of A1, in a loop I am doing requestAction(A2). My problem is that A2
> can also be requested directly, by writing in the address bar of the
> browser: C/A2.
> Is there anyway of preventing the execution of A2 directly?
> PS: Don't argue with the current code structure, because I am not
> willing to change it. I just want to disable direct access to A2, if
> possible; so that it will only be accessible from A1's view via the
> requestAction.
> Thanks a lot
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