I hope this might be of some help:


On Feb 16, 5:21 pm, Chris <c.gra...@hpani.org.uk> wrote:
> Perhaps I am just having a blonde moment, but I seem to be having
> difficulties with ACL and passwords.
> I followed the example 
> athttp://book.cakephp.org/view/641/Simple-Acl-controlled-Application
> and then once I was confident of what I was doing implemented it into
> my current project.
> It has all worked fine, AROS/ACOS all generated, logging in and out
> fine, permissions working.... however there is a problem.
> The edit form for users pulls in the password by default and I wanted
> to leave it blank so that the user can update extra info on themselves
> without having to change their password, so I passed in empty string
> as the value in the input.
> When the post occurs $this->data contains an sha1 encrypted string....
> it seems that auth or acl is taking empty string, adding the salt and
> then encrypting....... before validation!!!
> I decided to just check the value for $_POST['data']['User']
> ['password'] and if that is blank then unset $this->data['User']
> ['password']...... problem solved..... in a not so nice way.  However
> another issue has now raised its ugly head.
> My validation rules are now meaningless.  I have a minimum length
> validation rule on the password field to ensure that passwords are 8
> characters or more.  This rule is now always met because the string is
> sha1 encrypted before validation and is therefore always 40 characters
> long.....
> The only solution I can think of, for now, is controller based
> validation on the raw post data..... which isn't very clean.  If
> anyone has a better idea please let me know.
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