Catchy subject, no? At least it is to the point. :)

So, I want to (re)define where the temp-files go. I would prefer to do
this without modifying the core, but I can't see where. My first true
entry-point into the request-cycle is in bootstrap.php, too late to
define the constant TMP.

Now, before you can say index.php, let me point out that shell access
disregards any setting I have changed or added to index.php. So, while
index.php will let me define the temp-folder, it will only be 99%
true. And unfortunately those few shell requests (cron calling
regularly) are rather important to me. For example I keep a few lock-
files in the temp folder without which things could get messy.

The annoying bit is how close Cake seems to be to supporting this. In
paths.php Cake checks if TMP is already defined and all... but for a
shell task there is no way I know of that can get me in front of
paths. It looks like there should be but I can't find it. It looks
like this has been thought out for web access but so far forgotten for
shell access, unless I have missed it.

If there is no place (in my application) to define TMP for shell
access, my question is if the least invasive method would be to modify
paths.php in the core. Or is there some better place?

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