Sounds like you might have a permissions issue.  Is the
cake_core_file_map file getting created?

On Feb 20, 2:12 pm, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> No so on my computer, which is why I thought it was strange.
> (Mac OS X)
> On Feb 20, 5:37 pm, majna <> wrote:
> > There is no "Not found" when debug = 0, after cake_core_file_map file
> > is created.
> > Refresh page one more time..
> > 2009/2/20 Martin Westin <>:
> > > I see plenty of "not found" at debug level 0... which is strange.
> > > If anyone is at all interested, there is a way to optimize this,
> > > tedious and dirty. For example:
> > > in cake/bootstrap.php
> > > //App::import('Core', array('Dispatcher'));
> > > App::import('Core',
> > > 'Dispatcher',true,CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH.DS.'cake'.DS);
> > > By specifying the path you tell import to look in the right folder and
> > > the file will be found on the first try.
> > > On Feb 20, 4:41 pm, majna <> wrote:
> > >> Tnx Matt.
> > >> I think this is not expected behavior anyway.
> > >> On Feb 20, 4:30 pm, Matt Curry <> wrote:
> > >> > The file paths get cached in /app/tmp/cache/persistent/
> > >> > cake_core_file_map.  Set debug to 0 in your core.php and re-run.
> > >> > You'll see all the files found on the first try.
> > >> > -Matt
> > >> > On Feb 20, 8:38 am, majna <> wrote:
> > >> > > You can see my report here:
> > >> > > There is *too much* wrong paths where cake searches core files.
> > >> > > In real application it gets even worse (including behavior.php etc).
> > >> > > Am I doing something wrong? Cake founds dispatcher.php on 50th
> > >> > > attempt!?
> > >> > > Please can someone confirm this as a bug?
> > >> > > To reproduce:
> > >> > > 1. Setup clean Cake install.
> > >> > > 2. Edit cake/libs/configure.php
> > >> > > Add to App:: __load($file) to echo out what  PHP's "file_exists"
> > >> > > returns:
> > >> > > if (file_exists($file)) {
> > >> > >         echo  'Found : '.$file."<br />";
> > >> > >         ...other code}else{
> > >> > >         echo 'Not found : '.$file."<br />";
> > >> > > }
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