
what version do you use?
There was a bug in an older version that is fixed by now:


RKS schrieb:
> Hi friends,
> I am a new user of CakePHP, and just finished the tutorials. I created
> a small application for testing and found out a problem and also its
> cause, its just that I dont know if it is a real problem or not.
> Here are relevant details :-
> 1. I have just 2 models : 'User' and 'Group'
> 2. Two controllers : users_controller.php, groups_controller.php
> 3. Nothing is baked, all hand-coded.
> 4. Most of the things are setup exactly like in ACL Example
> Application in cookbook : 3 groups, 3 users.
> 5. In app_controller.php i have just the same function body of
> beforeFilter as described in that application.
> Now, the real thing :
> 1. i created a function in users_controller : adminTest ().
> 2. that function does nothing, but according to ACL tables, only
> administrator can view it (its view has a simple msg).
> 3. but whenever i access the function in browser : <cakephppath>/users/
> adminTest, i always see it no matter i am
>     logged in or not.
> 4. now, after a lot of 'research', i reached up to the source code of
> startup() function of Auth component in cake's
>     source code.
> 5. i sprinkled that function with many logging functions. now if you
> take a look at the first 'if' condition, which tests
>    for the value of $isErrorOrTests, it returns true if the condition
> is satisfied. My log files suggests that the function
>    is returning true from that very if statement bypassing any
> authentication.
> 6. the value of $isErrorOnTests depends on 3 conditions OR'ed
> together. The last(third) one is one which i am interested in as the
> above two are obviously false (look source code to know why).
> 7. the third condition is :
>        ! in_array ($controller->params['action'], $controller-
>> methods)
> 8. so, if that is true, the 'action' is NOT in the $controller-
>> methods.
> 9. now i printed this in logs : print_r ($controller->methods, true)
> 10. what i saw was an array which contained : 'admintest'  (notice my
> function's name was 'adminTest', 'T' is
>      capital)
> 11. now the cool thing is if i add 'adminTest' to $this->methods in
> beforeFilter of my controller, the authentication
>      system works fine and throws me on login page.
> 12. or even if rather than adding 'adminTest' to $this->methods, i
> just rename my function to 'admintest' and also
>      change the name of the corresponding view, even then
> authentication works and i come to login page !!!
> So, my question is, isnt is a good idea to mention it somewhere that
> this happens so that new users dont get
> confused, or is it some kind of bug ?
> Thanks everyone here for making Cake such a great piece of software :)
> > 

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