The beforeFilter is in app_controller.  I was wanting the settings to
be universal, although the more I think about it now perhaps it just
needs to be in the Users controller.  I assumed the beforeFilter in
app_controller would always be called automatically.  I'm not 100%,
still learning.

On Feb 23, 11:18 am, "dr. Hannibal Lecter" <>
> Do you have beforeFilter() in your users controller? Are you calling
> parent::beforeFilter()?
> On Feb 23, 3:39 pm, lirc201 <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to implement the Auth component for the first time into my
> > application.  On my registration page I noticed that the password was
> > getting inserted into the database as plain text.  The application
> > does not use the default names "username" and "password" so I defined
> > the fields as stated in the documentation.
> > app_controller:
> >   function beforeFilter()  {
> >     // Configure Authuentication Component
> >     $this->Auth->loginAction = array(
> >         'controller' => 'users',
> >         'action' => 'login'
> >         );
> >     $this->Auth->fields = array(
> >         'username' => 'email',
> >         'password' => 'passwd'
> >         );
> >     $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
> >     $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = "/";
> >     $this->Auth->loginError = 'Invalid email/password combination,
> > please try again.';
> >   }
> > So in my "signup" code I added:
> > $this->data['User']['passwd'] = $this->Auth->password($this->data
> > ['User']['passwd']);
> > to get the encrypted password put into the database, and that seems to
> > work.  Next I proceed to the login page to test the new account
> > (standard login, cut and pasted code from documentation, but using my
> > email, and passwd fields).  I then get my Auth->loginError, which I
> > believe is because the password is not getting encrypted
> > automatically.
> > I was under the impression that by using the $this->Auth->fields, that
> > the automagic would still work for me.  Does the Auth->fields work as
> > intended?
> > Thanks,
> > Brian
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