That was how I initially had it set up prior to the custom route,
which worked fine. However, that method returns the same type of
results I get from the set-up originally described.

On Feb 25, 12:27 pm, brian <> wrote:
> Try
> $paginator->options(
>         array('url' => $this->passedArgs)
> );
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:48 PM, xxkylexx <> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I can't seem to get this to work :-( . I currently have the following
> > route set up for my categories pages, which works great:
> > //Categories page route 
> > (example:
> > Router::connect('/:name-:id',
> >        array(
> >                'controller' => 'categories',
> >                'action' => 'view'
> >        ),
> >        array(
> >                'name'=>'(.*)',
> >                'id' => '[0-9]+'
> >        )
> > );
> > Except for the fact that I cannot get my pagination URL's to properly
> > display for this custom route. I have the following set up for my
> > pagination options url:
> > $paginator->options(
> >        array(
> >                'url' => array(
> >                        'controller'=>'catgories',
> >                        'action'=>'view',
> >                        
> > 'name'=>$html->slugify($category['Category']['name']),
> >                        'id'=>$category['Category']['id']
> >                )
> >        )
> > );
> > Which displays the URL's like "
> > view/7/page:2/name:pcs", instead of "
> > page:2".
> > Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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