I've successfully setup a HABTM between a User model and Club model
that looks like this in my User model:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Club' =>array(
'className' => 'Club',
'foreignKey'  => 'user_id',
'associationForeignKey'  => 'club_id'

When creating new Users, I display a select field using the following
in my Controller.

$this->set('clubs', $this->User->Club->find('list'));

However, after saving a new user, I only want to insert records into
my clubs_users table for certain types of Users. For example, if a
User is a 'Club Administrator', they can have a relationship with a
Club. If they are an 'Anonymous User', I don't want to associate them
with a Club.

I've successfully got this running by using jQuery to hide and show
the Clubs select field on the add new User page according to a
preceding User Role field. jQuery actually sets the Clubs field's name
to 'null' when hidden so Cake ignores the field. However, this sees
like a fragile system.

Is there a built in way in Cake to achieve the same results? Maybe in
the beforeSave() callback in the User model to intercept and kill the
clubs_users table insert? I've tried a few things there without luck.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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