I've searched through the groups and web, but I can't find any mention
of SAVING to the model, only reading from it.

Some example Models:

Recipes HABTM Tags
The "recipies_tags" table has an extra column which is "tagger_id"

I have tried setting the value in $this->data before the save but this
doesn't propagate back to the DB - the HABTM saves with the third
column empty
(I tried:
 - are there any more locations I should try?)

I did find a way of saving to the third column, but it seems pretty

$recipiestag = $this->Tag->RecipiesTag->find('first', array
('conditions' => array(
                                        'RecipiesTag.tag_id' => 
                                        'RecipiesTag.user_id' => 

$this->Tag->RecipiesTag->id = $recipiestag ['RecipiesTag']['id'];
$this->Tag->RecipiesTag->saveField('tagger_id', $user_id);

Is there a better way of doing this?

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