But the I'm in the EntryController, the associations would be more
than in the Blog.
I would need to connect the Entry to the Blog to the languages and
load more Entries at the same time in the edit-page...


On 5 Mrz., 00:07, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When you fetch the data for a BlogEntry, you can also get the Blog
> info. Have a look at ContainableBehavior (or setting recursive in find
> conditions). You can have Cake fetch data from any other table row
> (model instance) which is associated with BlogEntry.
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Aurelius <aurel...@temporaryinbox.com> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I have a Software Design Question, here's what I want to do (a bit
> > simplified for better understanding):
> > I have following tables:
> > Users -> hasMany -> Blogs -> hasMany -> Entries
> > Users -> hasAndBelongsToMany -> Languages
> > Blogs -> hasAndBelongsToMany -> Languages
> > Entries use the TranslationBehaviour.
> > So User one or more Blogs and can chose the languages in which he post
> > all his blogentrie.
> > An example would be:
> > User (id=5,name=max) has one blog
> > (id=7,name=myblog,languages=eng,ger).
> > So every blogentry is saved in eng and ger with the
> > TranslationBehaviour.
> > Now to the Design Part.
> > Is it now right that I have to programm the whole Backend in the
> > BlogController (while saving the Owner id in a session)?
> > When I want to edit a Blogentry I need to know the settings of the
> > blog...
> > And other Design Ideas?
> > thx
> > Aurelius
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