I think you should look into one of the methods using the Set class
combining results from a count query like this. I'm not sure exactly
set method you should use but maybe Set::combine.


I think there is nothing wrong with using a foreach to combine the
but it seems like the best practice is to use the Set class in place
of for/foreach
loops. I came across this kind of problem before, and sometimes if
it's too
complicated to do it the cake way, I end up just using regular php and
queries. Nothing wrong with that.

On Mar 7, 2:33 am, RyOnLife <ryan.mckil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's the afterFind(). It works. Would just like some comments on whether
> this is a sound approach.
>   function afterFind($results) {
>     if(!empty($results[0]['Page']) &&
> !empty($results[0][0]['total_view_count'])) {
>       $i = 0;
>       foreach($results as $result) {
>         $results[$i]['Page']['total_view_count'] =
> $result[0]['total_view_count'];
>         unset($results[$i][0]);
>         $i++;
>       }
>     }
>     return $results;
>   }
> I'm much more unsure about the latter question of whether there is a place
> in the Page model to do the bind. And now I'm wondering if it would be
> possible and make sense to create a total_view_count.php file in the models
> folder.
> RyOnLife wrote:
> > @grigri: Thanks. Just what I was looking for. I hadn't used bindModel()
> > before, but now makes total sense on getting from the SQL to Cake query.
> > This does lead me to two follow up questions...
> > The $results array looks like this:
> > Array
> > (
> >     [0] => Array
> >         (
> >             [Page] => Array
> >                 (
> >                     [id] => 1
> >                     [user_id] => 1
> >                     [title] => test
> >                     [slug] => test
> >                     [created] => 2009-02-19 12:58:14
> >                 )
> >             [0] => Array
> >                 (
> >                     [page_view_count] => 10
> >                 )
> >         )
> > )
> > If I want page_view_count in the Page array, is the best approach to
> > manipulate it to my liking in the afterFind() callback in the Page model?
> > Since I am always going to want this 'page_view_count' data, I tried
> > moving the bindModel() code to the beforeFind() callback in the Page
> > model. Caused all sorts of problems, I imagine because beforeFind() gets
> > triggered numerous times through the various associations between all the
> > models. Should I stick to binding over and over in my controllers, or is
> > there a way to do it in the models?
> > I ask both these questions because I'm anticipating a lot of redundant
> > code with the array manipulation and binding. Something tells me there is
> > a better way.
> > grigri wrote:
> >> Try this:
> >> $this->Page->bindModel(array(
> >>   'hasOne' => array(
> >>     'PageViewTotal' => array(
> >>       'className' => 'PageView',
> >>       'type' => 'inner'
> >>     )
> >>   )
> >> ));
> >> $results = $this->Page->find('all', array(
> >>   'fields' => array('Page.*', 'COUNT(PageViewTotal.id) AS
> >> page_view_count'),
> >>   'group' => 'Page.id',
> >>   'order' => 'page_view_count DESC',
> >>   'limit' => 10
> >> ));
> >> hth
> >> grigri
> >> On Mar 6, 3:36 pm, RyOnLife <ryan.mckil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> This doesn't work because 'view_count' is not a field. All of the view
> >>> data
> >>> is contained in the 'View' model, keyed to the 'Page' model (Post in
> >>> your
> >>> example).
> >>> Maybe it would help if I share the full details of my models, tables and
> >>> the
> >>> SQL query/result I would like to create in Cake:
> >>> Page hasMany PageView:
> >>>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >>>   `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
> >>>   `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
> >>>   `slug` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
> >>>   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
> >>>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
> >>>   FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`)
> >>> PageView belongsTo Page:
> >>> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `page_views` (
> >>>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >>>   `page_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
> >>>   `user_id` int(11) default NULL,
> >>>   `user_ip` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
> >>>   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
> >>>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
> >>> SQL query:
> >>> SELECT Page.*, COUNT(*) AS views FROM
> >>> pages AS Page
> >>> INNER JOIN page_views AS PageView ON Page.id = PageView.page_id
> >>> GROUP BY Page.id
> >>> LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0;
> >>> Returns these fields:
> >>> id, user_id, title, slug, created, views
> >>> The first five fields are those from the Page model and the sixth field,
> >>> views, is a count of how many times the Page.id primary key is used as a
> >>> PageView.page_id foreign key.
> >>> Thanks for the help. I know Cake is supposed to make SQL easier, but I
> >>> am
> >>> having trouble making the jump from SQL to Cake queries where the SQL is
> >>> more involved than simple SELECT statements.
> >>> Stu-2 wrote:
> >>> > $topTen = $this->Post->find('list',
> >>> > array(
> >>> > 'fields' => array('Post.id', 'Post.view_count'),
> >>> > 'order' => array('Post.view_count DESC'),
> >>> > 'limit' => 10
> >>> > )
> >>> > );
> >>> > this worked for me.
> >>> --
> >>> View this message in
> >>> context:http://n2.nabble.com/Converting-SQL-query-to-Cake-query-tp2434189p243...
> >>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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> context:http://n2.nabble.com/Converting-SQL-query-to-Cake-query-tp2434189p243...
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