I'm trying to figure out how to create a system that can handle the

Models: user, post, category
Roles: regular, moderator, admin

- User ("regular user") can create posts in categories.
- User ("regular user") can edit own posts.

- Multiple users can have the role "moderator" in multiple categories.
- "Moderators" can do the same things as "regular user" and edit posts
in categories they are "moderator" for.

- Multiple users can have the role "admin" in multiple categories.
- "Admins" can do the same things as "moderators", but also delete
posts in the category and edit the categories they are "admin" for.

Basically each user can be a moderator in one, an admin for another,
and a simple user in a third category.
This includes roles per element (such as user1 and user7 are
"moderator" for category3, while user7 is also "admin" for category9)
and inheritance of role-rights (Moderator can do what regular user can
do plus something more. Admin can do what moderator can (hence, also
what regular can) plus something more).

I have tried reading up on tons of material about ACL, but don't seem
to get the hang of it...

Hope a smart mind here can guide me in the right direction :-)

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