Thanks, jabocs.  I'm currently using this type of URL scheme in my
statically built site and wasn't sure if I was going to change it (and
deal with mod_rewrite to redirect users to the new pages), or leave it
the same.  I'm guessing that in your view action for your
SlugPagesController that you're calling the $getParms[0] controller
method of $getParms[-1] (last index)?

FWIW - The default PagesController handles physical directories just
fine.  :)

On Mar 11, 3:14 pm, jabocs <> wrote:
> Ok, I kept digging, and found my own answer again across a couple
> different posts.... so in case it can help anybody else in the future:
> I added this to the very end of my routes.php:
> Router::connect('/*', array('controller' => 'slug_pages', 'action' =>
> 'view'));
> to catch all wild card created sections to go to the view action of my
> SlugPagesController
> Then in my view action my first line of code is:
> $getParms = func_get_args();
> so as in my example of
> I would get an array like this:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => about
>     [1] => sub1
>     [2] => sub2
>     [3] => sub3
>     [4] => page1
> )
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